The Ultimate Guide to Low-Maintenance Plants for Busy Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time to care for plants can be difficult, especially for busy professionals. However, adding greenery into your space has numerous benefits, from improving air quality to boosting productivity. Fortunately, there are plenty of low maintenance plants that thrive with minimal attention. In this comprehensive guide, Plantz will introduce you to a carefully curated selection of low maintenance plants that are perfect for busy professionals like you.

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Before we dive into the list of low maintenance plants, let’s explore the many benefits of including indoor greenery into your workspace. Studies have shown that plants not only enhance the aesthetics of a room but also improve air quality by filtering out toxins. Additionally, they can reduce stress levels, increase focus and productivity, and even boost mood and creativity. By bringing plants into your environment, you’re not only adding a touch of nature but also enhancing your overall well-being.

Factors to Consider

While low maintenance plants require less attention than their high-maintenance counterparts, it’s important to consider a few key factors before making your choice. Factors such as lighting conditions, temperature, humidity, and space availability can significantly impact a plant’s well-being. By understanding these factors, you can choose plants that are best suited to thrive in your specific environment.

Top Low Maintenance Indoor Plants

  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria): With its sword-like leaves and ability to tolerate low light conditions, the snake plant is a popular choice for busy professionals. It requires minimal watering and can withstand occasional neglect.
  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): The ZZ plant is known for its glossy, dark green leaves and ability to survive in various light conditions. It requires infrequent watering and is highly adaptable.
  • Ficus Audrey (Banyan Fig) is a striking indoor plant with large, glossy, and deep green leaves. It closely resembles its cousin, the Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig), but with more compact growth and slightly thicker leaves. This plant is relatively easy to care for, preferring bright, indirect light and regular watering. The Ficus Audrey adds a touch of elegance and a tropical vibe to any indoor space.
  • White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Nicolai): this is a stunning tropical plant renowned for its large, paddle-shaped leaves and unique white flowers. This plant’s foliage resembles the shape of a bird’s beak and provides an eye-catching display of greenery. It thrives in bright, indirect light and requires moderate watering. The White Bird of Paradise brings a touch of exotic beauty and a sense of tropical paradise to any setting.
  • Ficus Alii (Long-Leaved Fig): is an attractive houseplant characterized by its long, slender leaves that cascade gracefully. Unlike other ficus varieties, the Ficus Alii is more tolerant of lower light levels and fluctuating temperatures, making it a popular choice for indoor environments. It requires moderate watering and prefers bright, indirect light. With its elegant and airy appearance, the Ficus Alii adds a touch of tranquillity and sophistication to any space.
  • Tarzan Plant ( Epipremnum aureum ‘Tarzan’): this is a vigorous and resilient vine that is well-suited for indoor hanging baskets or trained to climb up a support structure. It features heart-shaped, glossy green leaves with splashes of variegation, typically in shades of yellow or cream. The Tarzan Plant is relatively low maintenance, tolerating a range of light conditions and requiring moderate watering. Its trailing vines and attractive foliage make it a popular choice for adding lush greenery and a touch of natural beauty to any space.
  • Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema): Chinese evergreen plants are known for their attractive foliage and ability to tolerate low light conditions. They require infrequent watering and are excellent air purifiers.

Maintenance Tips

Although low maintenance plants require less care, they still need some attention to thrive. Here are a few essential maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Watering: While these plants are less needy, it’s crucial to water them appropriately. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause wilting. Find the right balance and adjust according to your plant’s specific needs.
  • Lighting: Even low maintenance plants require adequate light for photosynthesis. Ensure they receive sufficient indirect sunlight or invest in artificial grow lights to support their growth.
  • Fertilizing: Low maintenance plants generally require less fertilization. However, it’s still important to provide them with occasional nutrients. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer according to the instructions on the packaging.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning helps maintain the shape and health of your plants. Remove dead or yellowing leaves and trim excessive growth to keep your plants looking their best.

Adding Plants in Your Workspace

Now that you have learned about various low maintenance plant options and their care needs, it’s time to add them into your workspace. Here are some creative ideas:

  • Desk Plants: Choose compact plants like succulents or small potted herbs to place on your desk or shelf.
  • Hanging Plants: Utilize wall space by hanging trailing plants in macrame hangers or mounted planters.
  • Vertical Gardens: If you have limited floor space, consider creating a vertical garden using wall-mounted planters or vertical shelving.
  • Terrariums: Create a mini ecosystem with low maintenance plants enclosed in glass terrariums.

Adding low maintenance plants into your workspace is an excellent way to bring nature indoors without overwhelming your busy schedule. By carefully selecting the right plants and providing them with minimal care, you can enjoy the benefits of greenery while maintaining your productivity as a busy professional. Remember to consider lighting, temperature, and space availability before making your choice, and don’t forget to follow the maintenance tips to ensure your plants thrive. Enjoy the beauty and tranquillity that these low maintenance plantz can bring to your life!

Exploring the Best 10 Indoor Plants for a Stylish and Healthy Home

Ready to elevate your home with the beauty of indoor plants? Look no further! We’ve created a list of the top 10 indoor plants that not only bring style and charm to your space but also offer an array of incredible benefits. Get ready to delve into the world of indoor plants and discover the best of the best. Let’s explore the lush and captivating wonders that can transform your home into a stylish and healthy haven.

  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria): One of the standout choices for indoor plants is the Snake Plant. Its striking, upright leaves not only add a touch of modern elegance but also possess exceptional air-purifying qualities. This makes it an ideal choice for bedrooms or any area where you desire a breath of fresh air, both figuratively and literally.
  • Congo Rojo: The Congo Rojo is a stunning tropical plant known for its deep, rich burgundy-coloured foliage. With its large, glossy leaves, it adds a touch of exotic elegance to any indoor space. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light and needs regular watering to maintain its lush appearance.
  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): If you’re seeking a low maintenance plant that thrives in low light conditions, the ZZ Plant is a perfect choice. With its glossy, dark green leaves and a touch of tropical charm, this hardy plant not only adds a touch of natural beauty but also contributes to improved air quality in your home.
  • Rikki Cane: The Rikki Cane is a unique plant characterized by its vibrant, variegated leaves. Its foliage displays a striking combination of green, yellow, and cream-colored stripes, creating a visually appealing contrast. This plant is relatively low maintenance, preferring moderate light and regular watering to keep its colours vibrant.
  • Kentia Palm: The Kentia Palm is a popular choice for adding a touch of tropical paradise to both indoor and outdoor spaces. This elegant palm features long, arching fronds that create a graceful and soothing atmosphere. Known for its resilience, the Kentia Palm can stand lower light levels and infrequent watering, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those with busy lifestyles.
  • Monstera: The Monstera, also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is an iconic and trendy houseplant. Its large, heart-shaped leaves are characterized by unique, natural holes and splits, giving it a well defined appearance. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light and needs regular watering to maintain its lush foliage. With its captivating presence, the Monstera adds a touch of tropical flair to any interior space.
  • Giganta Plant: The Giganta Plant lives up to its name with its impressive size and stature. This plant boasts broad, deep green leaves that can reach extraordinary dimensions, making it a true statement piece in any room or garden. It needs bright, indirect light and moderate watering to thrive. The Giganta Plant creates a dramatic focal point and brings a sense of grandeur to any space.
  • Reflexa Plant:  The Reflexa Plant, also known as the Song of India, is a striking evergreen shrub that adds a touch of elegance to any setting. Its long, lance-shaped leaves feature vibrant shades of green, cream, and yellow, creating a visually pleasing contrast. This plant is relatively low maintenance and can stand a variety of light conditions, making it fitting for different indoor environments. With its elegant appearance, the Reflexa Plant brings beauty and tranquillity to any space it’s in.
  • Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema): The Chinese Evergreen is a beautiful plant that adds colour and style to any space. Its striking foliage featuring silver, green, and sometimes red patterns create a visually captivating environment. Additionally, this plant thrives in low light conditions. Making it an excellent choice for those seeking a beautiful, low maintenance indoor plant.
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): Last but certainly not least, the Rubber Plant stands out with its large, glossy leaves that come in shades of dark green, burgundy, or variegated patterns. Besides its visual appeal, the Rubber Plant is an efficient air purifier, enhancing the overall air quality in your home.

Indoor plants not only add beauty and charm to your home but also offer a myriad of benefits. Ranging from air purification to creating a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere. The Snake Plant, Congo Rojo, ZZ Plant, Rikki Cane, Kentia Palm, Monstera, Giganta Plant, Reflexa Plant, Chinese Evergreen, and Rubber Plant are among the best indoor plants that bring style, health benefits, and a touch of nature into your living space.

Embrace the transformative power of these remarkable indoor plants and create a stylish and healthy home environment. Let nature thrive within your walls, providing you with a haven of tranquility and beauty.

Explore the world of indoor plants at and find the perfect additions to elevate your space. Happy planting!

Everything You Need to Know About the Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

Don’t be fooled by the word “ficus”!  This is not your grandmother’s dusty sunroom ficus that may or may not be real.  Once you set your eyes on a well-pruned fiddle leaf fig, it is easy to see why they are the number-one indoor plant.  With its slender stem and broad, violin (or fiddle/lyre)-shaped leaves, the fiddle leaf fig has been a favorite for indoor plant lovers for over a decade.  From the crisp green leaves to the pencil-thin trunk, this house plant is an attention getter that is welcomed as a focal point for even the most luxurious locales.  Let’s dive in to the basics!

Getting to Know the Ficus lyrata

Taxonomic Hierarchy:

  • Kingdom:  Plantae
  • Phylum: Spermatophyta
  • Class: Dicotyledonae
  • Order: Rosales
  • Family: Moraceae
  • Genus: Ficus
  • Species: Ficus lyrata or lyrata


  • Growing Conditions: As natives of western and central Africa, the fiddle leaf fig thrives in warm, moist conditions with access to moderate amounts of sunlight.  Humidity plays a key factor in maintaining a happy and healthy plant.  Providing enough space for this plant to grow will help it reach its full potential, approximately 10 feet tall in its container.
  • Temperature Range: Maintaining a consistent 60°F – 80°F range with high humidity will ensure your plant thrives. For our friends across the pond, 15°C to 27°C is ideal.
  • Sunlight: This plant loves sunlight!  But not too much.  Approximately 5 to 8 hours of moderate sunlight from an east, south, or west-facing window will keep your plant happy.  Too much direct light will cause the leaves to burn, while too little light will cause leaves to yellow, ultimately leading to the leaves dropping from the plant.
  • Water: Fiddle leaf figs are healthy drinkers.  However, the precise amount of water necessary can be difficult to determine as a new lyrata owner.  Once you’ve welcomed your plant to its forever home, check the soil.  If it is dry, water it.  Then check it weekly for about the first two months to get a feel for your plant’s habits.  Once settled, these plants can go two or more weeks without watering with the use of a proper sub-irrigation system.  For the best results, order your new fiddle leaf fig from Plantz with their PlantAssure Kit.  These systems eliminate the guess work from the watering cycle by creating a reservoir of water for the plant to access without any fear of damaging your new fiddle leaf fig by overwatering it. Please refer to our Watering Guide for detailed information on proper watering techniques.
  • Winter Care: Winter brings new challenges for the fiddle leaf fig, even as an indoor plant.  As the seasons change, so does the amount of available sunlight.  As many people turn on the heat to get warm, the heat can dry out the air and reduce the humidity your plant needs to thrive. Keeping your plant away from vents or drafts will help its winter survival. One side effect of this seasonal change will be less growth by your beloved plant.  At this point a reduced water schedule is also recommended.  Transitioning your plant from outdoors to indoors may require further attention including potentially using grow lights to maintain your plant’s health.
  • Nutrition: Plants need food, and this one is no exception.  However, much like people, it is important to moderate how much food is provided.  Too much or too little food are both bad.  Purchasing a fiddle leaf fig from a well-respected source, like com, will ensure your plant is happily fed at the time of purchase and should not require nourishment for approximately six months.  After those six months, a complete fertilizer created for indoor plants is required.  Ideally, this would be a high-quality fertilizer like Dyna-Gro Plant Nutrition.  After 12 months have elapsed since purchase (or six months after your first feeding), a quarterly feeding is enough to maintain the glory of your fiddle leaf fig .  As new leaves grow, make sure they are not coming in yellow.  If this is the case, your plant may need supplemental nutrition.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Frequently Asked Questions

Are fiddle leaf figs good indoor plants?

These plants require bright light.  As long as there is a south (preferable), east or west facing window in front of which your plant may call home, the F. lyrata should thrive in an indoor setting.  Of course, temperature, water, and nutrition are vital factors to maintaining a lush plant, without access to adequate sunlight, the plant will not thrive.  Simply, the fiddle leaf fig is a stunning indoor plant as long as it is provided the proper care and sunlight.

Are fiddle leaf figs hard to take care of?

Fiddle leaf figs are not for the faint of heart.  These are not the ideal plants for plant parents prone to forgetfulness. They require specific care.  However, much like adapting to a newborn baby, part of the process is learning and growing with your new plant.  The plant will show you if there is a problem, and you will need to adapt to your plants needs.  In return, this plant will grow to be a lush showstopper in any adequate space.

How much light does a fiddle leaf fig need?

As noted above, for optimal care, this plant should have moderately bright light for approximately 5 to 8 hours.  South facing windows are ideal, but east and west facing windows tend to also provide adequate sunlight.  While it does thrive in bright sunlight, keep an eye on the leaves.  They will alert you to any issues the plant may be having, including too much or too little light.

Why are fiddle leaf figs hard to keep alive?

Fiddle leaf figs require more attention than plants like the Sanseveria, or snake plant.  These plants require consistent love and attention in the form of food, water, space and sunlight.  Maintaining that consistency is vital to your plant’s health.  For some plant parents life gets in the way, and plants may be forgotten.  This particular plant requires consistency to thrive.  Without it, plant owners will find this plant difficult to maintain.

Do you find yourself to be more of a visual learner?  This video is packed with the information needed to get you started with your fiddle leaf fig.

Interior Design

What design style does a fiddle leaf fig look good in?

Fiddle leaf figs work well in sleek, modern spaces with a lot of head room.  The splash of color against white or light neutral-colored walls provides a stark contrast and allows those lush, vibrant green leaves to really stand out to become the focal point of the room.  These plants are great space fillers due to their leaf size and height.  Farmhouse designs also benefit from the use of fiddle leaf figs as it brings a bit of the outside environment to the indoors, providing the homeowners the added bonus of biophilic design in the home.  Further, including F. lyrata in your biophilic home design brings the added benefit of air purification and that sense of peace that only living plants can bring to the home.  Once these plants fully mature to their potential, proper placement will allow you to shrink the size of any overly elevated ceiling, bringing a sense of warmth to the room.

Are fiddle leaf figs good for a home or office?

The simple answer to this is a resounding YES!  As long as there is adequate sunlight, the fiddle leaf fig is the perfect addition to any home or office.  Both homes and offices benefit not only from the aesthetic beauty of these unique plants, but also, through the inclusion of biophilic design the people serving these locations, whether they are residents, employees, or simply visitors to location, through the many health benefits created by the incorporation of plants into our many spaces.  From increased feelings of well being to air purification, incorporating plants into our spaces makes us healthier. The fiddle leaf fig is no exception, as long as it is placed in a space that provides proper sunlight.  Once these plants reach maturity, much like in home design, they are excellent ways to fill blank, dreary office walls or create separation between spaces.  The days of the laminate, chipboard cubicles are over.  Plants are the new cubicle divider!

Is a fiddle leaf fig a tree or a bush?

Plant lovers will be happy to note that the fiddle leaf fig can be a tree or a bush!  It is all a matter of pruning.  The differences between the bush form and the tree form lie in the height, trunk and branches of the plant.  The plant will tend towards the bush form; however, with careful attention and precise pruning, training your bush to become a tree is worthwhile work.  First, be patient.  Your plant will need time to grow before you can train it to be a tree.  When the bush has grown to the desired height, that is when the branching begins.  This may be achieved through pruning or notching.  Pruning the tip sends a signal to the plant that its upward growth has been impeded and creates new branched out shoots as a means of survival.  Finally, the last piece of the puzzle is the trunk.  Many plant owners want to maximize the visibility of the slender trunk characteristic of fiddle leaf figs.  However, be careful not to prune too much from the bottom as they will not grow back.  Have an idea of the length of bare bark you are looking for before you bring out the shears.  There’s no going back once they are trimmed.  Some plants will surprise you with multiple trunks!  Many times this is due to multiple plants in the same container.  You then have the option of separating these into multiple plants in different containers.

What style of pot would you put your fiddle leaf fig in and how will it change the look of the room?

In order to determine what pot to use and how it will affect the flow of your interior design, there are some basics to be addressed.  First, the pot should have access to drainage, so any excessive water has a place to go instead of remaining in the soil.  Second, the pot should not be too big.  When repotting, aim for an increase of 6 inches in diameter.  Applying both proper drainage with a proper pot size will reduce the likelihood of root rot in your plant. One way to ensure you are using the right pot is to utilize nursery pots as they have the perfect drainage holes, then put the nursery pot inside a decorative pot that is coordinated with your chosen décor.  For those recreating the rustic farmhouse interior, decorative pots in neutral colors or made of natural materials, like jute or wood, will blend seamlessly with the interior design.

How to Take Proper Care of the Fiddle Leaf Fig

  • Repotting: Repotting is necessary for your fiddle leaf fig in order to allow it the right amount of space to grow and thrive.  As the plant grows, the roots continue to grow and expand in the container, eventually running out of room.  To keep the roots healthy and capable of absorbing nutrients, they need their space.  Younger plants may need to be repotted once a year depending on their growth spurts.  When repotting, the general rule of thumb is to use a pot that is 6 inches wider in diameter than the current pot.  This allows the plant enough room to grow without increasing its susceptibility to root rot.  Because of their tropical nature, it is best to repot these plants during the spring or early summer, depending on the temperature of your area and coinciding with your locale’s growing season.  This allows the plant to acclimate to its new home during its peak growing season, minimizing the effects of shock from the repotting process.  Soil that has a mildly acidic pH and drains well is vital to repotting.  Watering the freshly repotted plant also aids the plant in recovering from the shock that occurs, plus it helps the roots settle in their new container.


  • Lighting Guide: Sunlight is the most crucial component in the care of your fiddle leaf fig.  Without the right amount of light, no amount of fertilizing, watering or repotting is going to help your plant reach its full vibrant potential.  For indoor plants, placing them in south facing windows, mimicking the pattern of the sun through the sky, provides the right amount of sun necessary for these plants to thrive.  East and west facing windows are also great locations, with some extra attention being required for west-facing windows, as the heat from that afternoon sun could potentially burn the leaves, especially in the southern portion of the United States.  In the winter, as the amount of daily sunlight is limited, especially in the very northern latitudes, it may be necessary to supplement natural sunlight.   Fortunately, scientists have developed grow lights that will help keep tropical and semitropical indoor plants thriving, even in tundra regions.


  • Other Helpful Tips and Suggestions: com has a wealth of knowledge on the F. lyrata.  From tips on cleaning those big green leaves (especially important in the winter when any dirt and debris may interfere with the plant’s ability to absorb sunlight) with water or a solution of mild soap and water to the best ways to prune your plant and the effects pruning will have on your plant (to maintain the plant’s height and girth, the cuts should be made just above the area where the leaf attaches to the stem) to warnings to pet owners about any portion of the plant that may be harmful to our multi-legged friends (for the fiddle leaf fig, the sap is poisonous to dogs, cats, and horses, and is even a known irritant to humans), is a great guide for beginner and well versed fiddle leaf fig owners.  They will even ship your new fiddle leaf fig directly to you!

Little Known Facts about the F. Lyrata

Does it flower or bear fruit?

At the end of the day, F. lyrata is still a fig tree, and in its natural habitat, it regularly flowers and bears fruit.  However, once removed from its ideal conditions in the wild, the indoor versions of these plants rarely, if ever, flower and bear fruit.  For outdoor plants, not confined to container living, on the rare occasion, these plants will flower and bear fruit.  Unfortunately, the figs produced by this particular species are not the ones your family uses to make a warm figgy pudding.  While these fruits may not be toxic if eaten, they are not known to delight the tastebuds.

Is this an indoor plant or an outdoor plant?

Well, it’s true to say that all plants are “outdoor” plants because that’s where they all come from, with some consistent care and attention, these plants make beautiful additions to any room with the right amount of sunlight.  They can be integrated into almost any well light space, pruned to the perfect size or given free range to grow to its full splendor.  They also excel as outdoor plants.  The best way for them to succeed outdoors is to find a way to mimic its natural humid habitat, with full mid-day sun and some protection from the intense afternoon rays.  Aside from the fiddle leaf fig being the perfect focal point in a well-appointed room, the other real advantage of the indoor version of this plant is that you can adapt its surroundings to optimal growth conditions during any season of the year, in ant location around the world.

Is What Is the Spiritual Meaning of a Fiddle Leaf Fig?

The fiddle leaf fig has long been symbol of fertility, abundance, and good luck. This plant is also popular for use by people who adhere to feng shui spatial arranging principles. For many who practice feng shui, it is more than simply an aspect of interior design, it is a way of life that directs the flow of energy through a given space.  It is believed that with the proper feng shui placement of a fiddle leaf fig, the plant’s broad, green leaves will cleanse the air by neutralizing negative energy and allowing more positive energy to flow through the room thereby increasing the chances for good luck and prosperity.

What are the benefits of the fiddle leaf fig?

It has been well documented that the incorporation of plants into our indoor spaces has a marked improvement on both our physical and mental well-being.  Employers are now using the incorporation of plants into the workspace as a way to bring people back into the office and away from telecommuting.  They are trying to mimic the peace and tranquility of the home through the use of greenery.  From air purification to reduced blood pressure levels, it is clear that plants are good for people.  The fiddle leaf fig is no exception.  When the general aesthetic pleasure of the fiddle leaf fig is combined with general plant traits that are attributed to a healthier human well-being, it is easily understood why this plant has been the number one most popular house plant for the last several years.

Where Can I Buy a Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Due to their immense popularity, the fiddle leaf fig is a mainstay in many corporate, big box stores; however, from one plant lover to another, if you want a well-treated, fresh, and healthy plant to grace your home, locating a vendor that treats these little beauties with love and respect is important.  While local nurseries will usually fit the bill, businesses like will exceed your expectations, offering plants of varying sizes in a wide array of containers to fit your décor needs. is not just your every day run of the mill online plant vendor.  Starting as a small plant business in the 1970s, has grown into the business that people know they can rely on for the delivery of high-quality indoor plants from almost every region of the world.  They love your fiddle leaf fig almost as much as you do!




Check- In with Cleo part 2

Cleo came to Tamara about 8 months ago. After sending us her progress in July, she just sent us another update.

Cleo in July
Tamara’s 14″ Fiddle Leaf Fig In July

The beautiful Cleo is a 14″ Standard Tree Fiddle Leaf Fig. “Cleo is now 8 months old and doing great as you can see. I finally figured out how to water her in the fall/winter.”  

Tamara’s 14″ Fiddle Leaf Fig Now! Look how Beautiful!

We at Plantz love to hear about the green babies you’ve at home. Please send us your stories and pictures of your favorites Plantz.

It’s a 10 out of 10!

Some of our customers took the time to email us with their thoughts on the latest green installations in their homes and offices. Here is what they said.

Susan in CA-  Neanthebella Palm ” Oh, Sue” she emailed in. ” It is a Perfect Plant!!”

Lisa Cane

Barb in ID – Lisa Cane “Happy, happy now!!”

Rhapis Palm

Tatiana in CA – Rhapis Palm “My plant is absolutely beautiful, and I hope to take care the right way this time as I just killed my previous one.”


Nancy in MI- Giganta “It is gorgeous. I have a black thumb, so I pray I don’t kill it. It has the sub irrigation system. I love it!”

Bamboo Palm

Martin in GA – Bamboo Palm “Here’s a photo of my bamboo palm in my home office. We love it!”

Bamboo Palm

Jim in MD Bamboo Palm “After 20 months and still going strong!”  

Derek in AK- Lyrata “The plant made it to Kodiak yesterday on a sunny and balmy almost 60 degree

day, which was well timed. Thank you so much for the moss which was a great addition and the soil sleuth,

which I expect will be helpful keeping it going!

New Plants in New Places

We recently delivered some greenery to our friends at Rite Aid!

With little window exposure and minimal natural sunlight, we had to make sure we found PLANTZ that could stay healthy in these conditions.

They made the perfect choices, with a beautiful Janet Craig and a low-maintenance natural air purifier, a Snake Plant!

Janet Craig found her home in the corner, and as a low-light lover she is going to thrive here.

Janet Craig

On the other hand, the Snake Plant was placed perfectly in between some waiting room chairs in the pharmacy.

Not only does this provide personal space to the customers and patients, but the Sansevieria serves a second purpose, as a natural air purifier. NASA conducted a clean air study, and they found the Snake Plant does an excellent job of eliminating pollutants from our air space.

Rite Aid Snake Plant
Snake Plant Breaks Up Rite Aid Waiting Area

Debbie’s One Year Check In

About a year after a beautiful Bamboo Palm landed in Longboat, FL, Debbie has caught back up with PLANTZ to flaunt her foliage!

Debbie’s 14″ Bamboo Palm thrives in medium-light, and next to the window is clearly where she is meant to be. Besides its striking similarities to Bamboo, a fun fact about the Bamboo Palm is that this baby is on NASA’s list of air-purifying plants from their Clean Air Study.

It’s starting to seem like plants do more for us than we do for them!

But, we do spy a yellow soil sleuth! The sleuth is truly a staple for any plant parents’ toolbox, solving the age-old mystery of gauging how wet your PLANTZ’ soil is and allows you to water accordingly.

If you’re looking for a versatile plant – this is your guy.

Debbie's Bamboo Palm
14″ Bamboo Palm One Year Later

We were so excited to receive this update from Debbie and her beautiful Bamboo Palm, and we are eagerly awaiting our 2nd-year update!



A Kentia Palm in the Windy City

Sharon surprised her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson with a giant Kentia Palm and the Chicago family is LOVING their live addition.

Topped with Preserved Mood Moss, their 12″ Kentia is doing what it does best and making a tropical statement in their brand new Chi-Town living room!

The Kentia Palm is grown in both Florida and Hawaii, but both prefer evenly moist soil. Florida soils hold more water, while lava-rock Hawaiian soils drain more readily. Thoroughly water your Kentia for best results, and with a PlantAssure Sub-Irrigation System, this baby can go up to a month without a fuss.

Kentia’s also have one of the lowest light requirements of all palms, but keeping them in medium to bright filtered light will be best to keep your Kentia thriving, and keep your neighbors and friends jealous!

12" Kentia in Chicago Living Room
12″ Kentia in Chicago Living Room


Sharon said, “The plant looks very healthy and in good shape. My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson like this Kentia Palm very much. Thanks, again, for your help!

Thank you for sharing, Sharon! We can’t wait to keep up with this Kentia.


Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Daniel is accumulating quite the plant collection in California and we are LOVING the updates that come with it!

Charlie and Ollie, Daniel’s doggies, can make anyone smile! Add PLANTZ to the mix and you get perfection.

Since we last shared Daniel’s plant journey, he has added at least half a dozen greens to the group!!!

To start simple, he went with a classic Snake Plant to compliment his office, as a low-light, low-maintenance plant that also purifies the air, it seems like a no-brainer to add one of these babies to any empty corner! Ollie and Charlie took a field trip to check this one out and, they seem impressed.

ollie and charlie snake plant
Snake Plant in a California Office

Next up, an Aglaonema and a Monstera found their forever homes in Daniel’s living room – right next to his Bamboo Palm that you might recognize!

Ollie and Charlie in the Living Room with a Bamboo Palm, Monstera, and Aglaonema
Ollie and Charlie in the Living Room with a Bamboo Palm, Monstera, and Aglaonema

Last but not least, Daniel was one of the first to get his hands on our new Fishtail Palm, and it looks fabulous among his impressive plant collection!

He reported, “The fishtail arrived early and it’s awesome! Even bigger than I expected which is always a pleasant surprise.”

Big PLANTZ are the best PLANTZ, here it is:

Daniel's Fishtail Palm in California
Fishtail Palm in California

Bonus picture of Charlie, Ollie & Co. during playtime! Thank you for always sharing your amazing pictures of your amazing PLANTZ with us, Daniel! We can’t wait to see your next pick.

PLANTZ and Pups
PLANTZ and Pups


Carl’s Connecticut Collection

PLANTZ had the pleasure of sending several green roommates to Carl in Greenwich, Connecticut!

As a dedicated plant parent, he could not choose just one (we wouldn’t either).

First up, the Tarzan is one of our favorites, and he chose a stunning arrangement for his 14″ Tarzan Tree.

Placed right next to a window in our Black Phoenix Cylinder Planter and topped with Preserved Mood Moss, Carl’s Tarzan is bound to thrive! 


14" Tarzan Tree
14″ Tarzan Tree in CT Living Room
Carl's Tarzan
Second Angle of Carl’s 14″ Tarzan

























He also went with a White Bird of Paradise to bring an elegant and tropical touch to his Connecticut home. The White Bird needs lots of light to thrive, so Carl set this baby up in front of his other large window!

WBoP in front of Window
Carl’s White Bird of Paradise

He finished his living room off by adding an Aglaonema to his end table. Also known as the Chinese Evergreen, these are one of the easiest plants to care for, and their unique patterns stand out among other greens. Carl keeps his near a window for good measure.

White Bird and Aglaonema
WBoP and Aglaonema in Carl’s Living Room

We are blown away by Carl’s Connecticut Castle and the fantastic foliage he chose to decorate with. This is his one-month check-in and we cannot wait for the next one!

He shares, “I’ve had my beautiful plants for just over a month now, and they are thriving!  Thank you,, for not only providing me with a beautiful houseplant for my living room, but for the outstanding service and support that goes along with it.  I enthusiastically recommend without reservation!

From Hawaii to New Hampshire

Massimo’s 12″ Rhapis Palm was recently delivered to his New Hampshire home all the way from Hawaii!

He is thrilled with his choice – “ I love it! Below is a picture of my beautiful new addition to my collection, I am so very pleased with my plant! This is my first time buying a plant from your company and so far very, very pleased! In fact so pleased that yesterday I ordered a second one😊!  Thank you again and again for all your help!!!” Massimo gushed!

The Rhapis does best in moderate filtered light and needs to stay on the moist side to thrive! At PLANTZ, we recommend our PlantAssure Sub-Irrigation System to be safe! Massimo did just that, and even ordered a Soil Sleuth for good measure.

We carry Lady Palm’s from Florida and Hawaii, so you get to choose the source of your new tropical tree.

Massimo's Rhapis Palm
Massimo’s 12″ Hawaiian Rhapis Palm

We are so happy to see the Rhapis Palm flourishing, and we cannot wait to see the second round of greens Massimo chose!


Fallin’ For the Ficus Audrey

A 14″ Ficus Audrey found its home all the way in California!

Ling originally ordered a smaller Audrey but decided to upgrade to the fourteen-inch Ficus instead.

The Ficus Audrey has taken the plant community and the interior design industry by storm. Fitting in just about any corner, it is easy to see why.

 The Ficus benghalensis, better known to us as ‘Audrey’, is racing to beat the Fiddle Leaf as the most popular fig because of its forgiving features and funky foliage!

Ling shared a picture of her fantastic Ficus with a note, “I’m so thrilled with my new tree and really happy I upgraded to a bigger size –  many thanks to you and the team.”

14" Ficus Audrey in CA
14″ Ficus Audrey in California

We can’t wait to watch this Ficus and its progress!