The Joy of Growing Kid-Safe Plants for a Fun and Educational Summer

As summer continues, parents are on the lookout for activities that are safe, educational, and fun for their children. Gardening with kid-safe plants is a wonderful way to engage children in a rewarding summer activity. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of kid-safe plants that provide opportunities for learning and enjoyment. While the Bird of Paradise plant is captivating, it’s important to be aware of some mild toxicity concerns related to certain varieties. We’ll discuss alternative options that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments, ensuring a home, pet, and kid-friendly gardening experience. Let’s dive into the world of delightful and safe plants for a memorable summer gardening adventure!

Kid-Safe Plant Options for a Fun and Educational Summer:

  1. Neanthebella: Neanthebella, also known as the Parlor Palm, is a perfect choice for indoor gardening. It is non-toxic and easy to care for, making it an ideal plant for children to nurture. Its lush, green foliage adds a touch of nature to any indoor space, and children can learn about plant care and observe its growth.
  2. Areca Palm: The Areca Palm is a versatile plant that thrives in both indoor and outdoor settings. With its feathery fronds and graceful appearance, it creates a tropical ambiance. This plant is safe for kids and pets, and its low maintenance requirements make it a hassle-free choice for families.
  3. Bamboo: Bamboo is an excellent option for indoor gardening. With its elegant, upright growth habit and lush foliage, it brings a sense of tranquility to any space. Our indoor Bamboo varieties are safe for children and pets, and they offer a unique and captivating plant experience.

Exploring Other Kid-Safe Plant Choices:

While the Bird of Paradise plant may have mild toxicity concerns, there are numerous other options that are safe and captivating for children:

  1. Marigolds: Marigolds are known for their vibrant colors and insect-repelling properties. They offer an excellent opportunity for children to learn about companion planting and natural pest control. Additionally, dried marigold flowers can be used for crafting activities.
  2. Sunflowers: Growing sunflowers is a joyous experience for both kids and adults. These tall and cheerful flowers provide educational opportunities, such as measuring their height, understanding plant parts, and exploring the process of pollination.
  3. Mint: Mint plants are not only safe for children but also engage their senses with their aromatic leaves. Kids can enjoy the refreshing scent, taste, and texture of mint leaves. They can even learn about culinary uses by incorporating mint into simple recipes or making herbal teas.

It’s important to note that while the internet may contain information about the toxicity of certain plants, many cases of mild toxicity require large portions of the plant to be consumed for any adverse effects. Always exercise caution and supervise children when engaging with plants.

Gardening with kid-safe plants offers a fantastic opportunity for children to learn, explore, and develop a love for nature. While the Bird of Paradise plant may have some mild toxicity concerns, alternative options like Neanthebella, Areca Palm (suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments), and Bamboo (perfect for indoor settings) provide a safe and enjoyable gardening experience. Additionally, plants such as marigolds, sunflowers, and mint offer educational and sensory exploration opportunities. Create a summer full of growth, discovery, and connection with nature by cultivating these delightful and kid-safe plants.

Visit today to explore a wide selection of home, pet, and kid-friendly plants that will make your summer gardening adventure unforgettable!

Astrology Signs and Their Plant Companions: Enhance Your Space with Natural Harmony

Welcome to the world of astrology and greenery! In this blog we embark on a journey that reveals the mystical connection between plants and your Zodiac sign. From the towering Lisa Cane (Taurus) to the enigmatic Snake Plant (Scorpio), each sign posses a unique botanical affinity that resonates with its associated personality traits.

Join us we delve into the rich symbolism and ancient wisdom that intertwines the natural realm with the celestial. And explore how the alignment of the stars can be mirrored in the vibrant and diverse world of plants.

Whether you’re a seasoned astrology enthusiast or simply a green thumb, prepare to be captivated by the amazing synergy between these two seemingly distinct domains.

Let the exploration begin!

  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Kentia Palm (Howea Forsteriana)

It’s a common misconception that Aquarius are water signs (the name is a bit misleading). In fact they are air signs. While some might describe them as having their head in the clouds. In reality, they’re just prone to deep thought, contemplating abstract ideas, and unapologetically standing out. The kentia palm, with its beautiful wing-like fronds, is a perfect match for these joyful souls.

  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

A born romantic. This water sign is drawn to fantastical ideas, exciting adventures, and deep connections. And yet, on the other side of the coin, they have a practical side that makes them a stable presence to their loved ones. The ponytail palm’s sturdy succulent stem and tumbling fountain-like foliage beautifully mimic the Piscean personality.

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Ficus Audrey (Ficus Benghalensis)

The Ficus Audrey, with its dynamic and bold presence, resonates strongly with the Aries zodiac sign. Its resilient nature reflects the determined and courageous spirit of Aries. Just as an Aries brings an element of excitement to any situation, the Ficus Audrey’s lush foliage adds a vibrant and invigorating touch to any space. Making it an ideal companion for those born under the sign of Aries.

  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Lisa Cane

Like the sturdy and grounded nature of Taurus individuals, the Lisa Cane thrives as a resilient grower. Grown in lava rock, giving it some very forgiving watering requirements. Just as Taurus individuals are known for their practicality and reliability, the Lisa Cane needing little int the way of light and water, turns even novice plant enthusiasts into successful caretakers. Embodying Taurus’ ability to ground and stabilize those around them.

  • Gemini (May 21 – June 21) – Rikki Cane

With its striking appearance and dynamic growth, the Rikki Cane embodies the ever-curious and adaptable qualities of Geminis. The plant’s slender, cane-like stems and lush green foliage symbolize the duality of Gemini individuals, who effortlessly shift between various interests and social circles. With the Rikki Cane’s refreshing and invigorating presence, it becomes a true reflection of a Gemini’s zest for life and ability to bring joy and curiosity to everyone around them.

  • Cancer (June 22 – July 22) – Aglaonema Jubilee

Just as Cancers are known for their caring and empathetic personalities, the Aglaonema Jubilee exudes a sense of tranquility and harmony, making it a beautiful addition to any space. With its lush green foliage and striking patterns, this plant evokes a soothing and comforting presence, much like the nurturing embrace of a Cancer individual. Like the protective and supportive qualities of Cancer individuals, this plant is known for its air-purifying abilities, creating a healthy and harmonious environment for those around it.

  • Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Monster Deliciosa

Leos are known for their boldness, confidence, and love for the spotlight. The Monstera Deliciosa, with its large, dramatic leaves and iconic splits, embodies Leo’s flamboyant nature. This plant demands attention and adds a touch of drama and luxury to any space, making it the perfect choice for Leos seeking to showcase their vibrant personality.

  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

Virgos are meticulous, practical, and appreciate simplicity and efficiency. The ZZ Plant, with its glossy, dark green foliage and low maintenance nature, aligns perfectly with a Virgo’s desire for a clean and organized environment. It thrives in various light conditions and requires minimal care, making it an ideal companion for busy Virgos.

  • Libra (September 23 – October 23) – Janet Craig (Dracaena Deremensis)

The zodiac of Libra signifies of which the ruling planet is Venus. The Librans are too admirers of beauty and comfort just like Taureans. They are gentle, kind, and amicable. Dracaena is a subtropical plant that is soothing and fresh. making it a perfect choice for the peaceful Libras.

  • Scorpio (October 24 – November 21) – Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)

Scorpios are mysterious, intense, and value emotional depth. The Snake Plant, with its dark, upright leaves and air-purifying qualities, resonates with Scorpio’s enigmatic nature. This plant encourages introspection and brings a touch of drama to any space. Aligning with Scorpio’s desire for a space that reflects their passion.

  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Reginae)

Sagittarians are adventurous, free spirited, and love to explore new horizons. The Bird of Paradise, with its vibrant, tropical appearance and exotic blooms, represents Sagittarius’ zest for life and sense of adventure. It adds a bold and dynamic element to any space, reminding Sagittarians of their boundless potential.

  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

Capricorns are ambitious, disciplined, and appreciate sophistication and elegance. The Fiddle Leaf Fig, with its large, violin-shaped leaves and statuesque presence, embodies Capricorn’s desire for a refined environment. This plant requires a bit of extra care. But it adds a touch of class and grandeur to any space. Reflecting Capricorn’s taste for the finer things in life.

Concluding this celestial journey through the realms of plants and their zodiac counterparts, we are reminded of the wondrous interconnectedness that exists between nature and the cosmos.

And when we tend to our gardens and nurture our indoor plants, we can now do so with a newfound appreciation for the deeper significance they hold. Mirroring the very essence of our own astrological traits. May your garden forever flourish under the watchful eyes of the celestial constellations. And may your soul find harmony amidst the evergreen wisdom of the universe.

Happy gardening and stargazing!

Plant Parent Must-Haves: Essential Tools, Decor, and Plants for a Thriving Indoor Jungle

Welcome to the world of plant parenthood!

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting your journey, having the right tools, decor, and plant selection is essential for creating a thriving indoor jungle. In this blog post, we’ll explore the must have items every plant parent needs, along with some trendy plant decor ideas and a selection of plants that are perfect for any plant collection. Let’s dive in!

Essential Plant Care Tools for Every Plant Parent

  1. Watering Cans: The Perfect Pour. A good watering can is very important for properly hydrating your plants. Look for cans with long spouts that allow for precise pouring and watering without causing damage to leaves or soil.
  2. Soil Sleuths: Finding the right Balance of Moisture helps you determine the moisture level in your plant’s soil, ensuring you don’t over or under water them. A key component in your plant care toolbox, this soil probe lets you gauge the actual soil moisture level and water accordingly.
  3. Pruning Shears: Trimming and Shaping Pruning shears are indispensable for maintaining the health and shape of your plants. Use them to trim dead or dying leaves, encourage bushier growth, and shape your plants as they grow.
  4. Plant Labels: Keeping Track of Your Plants Labels is useful for identifying and keeping track of your plant collection. Use them to jot down the names, care instructions, and any other important details for each plant.
  5. Plant Mister: A Touch of Humidity. Many Plants Thrive in Environments with higher humidity. A plant mister allows you to add a gentle mist of water to create a humid microclimate around your plants. Especially useful for tropical varieties.
  6. Plant Fertilizers: Nourishing Your Green Babies with fertilizers provides essential nutrients to your plants, promoting healthy growth and vibrant foliage. Choose a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer suitable for your plant types, and follow the instructions for application.

Creating an Enchanting Indoor Jungle: Must Have Plant Decor Ideas

  1. Planters: Style Meets Functionality. Choose planters that complement your home decor. While also providing adequate drainage for your plants. Opt for materials like ceramic, terracotta, or woven baskets for a natural and stylish look.
  2. Macrame Hangers: Elevating Your Plants, macrame hangers are a popular choice for suspending your plants from the ceiling or a wall. These knotted rope hangers add a bohemian touch and create an eye-catching display.
  3. Plant Shelves and Stands: Showcasing Your Greenery, maximize space, and display your plant collection with shelves or stands. Choose options that match your home’s aesthetic. Whether your style is minimalist, rustic, or modern.
  4. Terrariums: Miniature Worlds of Wonder. Terrariums are self-contained ecosystems that can house small plants. These glass containers create a mesmerizing display. While needing minimal maintenance.
  5. Plant Art and Prints: Adding a Botanical Touch. Decorate your walls with botanical art and prints to bring nature indoors. Choose illustrations, photographs, or paintings that reflect your personal style and love for plants.
  6. Plant Lighting: Illuminating Your Plants. Provide proper lighting for your plants, especially if you have limited natural light. Use grow lights or LED plant lights to supplement sunlight and ensure your plants receive adequate illumination.

Plant Parenthood 101: Must Have Books and Resources for Plant Lovers

  1. Essential Plant Care Books: Knowledge at Your Fingertips. Invest in plant care books that cover a wide range of topics. Including plant identification, propagation techniques, troubleshooting common problems, and specific care instructions for various plant species.
  2. Online Plant Communities and Forums: Connecting with Fellow Plant Parents. Join online communities and forums dedicated to plant care. Engage with experienced plant lovers, ask questions, and share your own experiences to learn and grow as a plant parent.
  3. Plant Care Apps: The Digital Plant Assistant. Make use of plant care apps that provide guidance and reminders for watering, fertilizing, and general plant care. These apps often include plant databases, pest identification, and personalized care tips.
  4. Plant Identification Guides: Navigating the Green World. Invest in plant identification guides or use online resources to identify unknown plants. Knowing the specific needs of each plant will help you provide tailored care and ensure their well-being.
  5. Nurseries and Garden Centers: Local Expertise and Support. Visit your local nurseries and garden centers to seek advice from informed staff members. They can help you choose the right plants, recommend tools and products, and address any concerns you may have.

Must Have Plants for a Thriving Indoor Jungle

  1. Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig): Majestic and Striking The fiddle leaf fig is known for its large, glossy leaves and elegant stature. It thrives in bright, indirect light and needs regular watering with well-draining soil.
  2. White Bird of Paradise: Tropical Elegance The white bird of paradise features stunning, paddle-shaped leaves and adds a touch of the tropics to any space. It prefers bright, indirect light and moderate watering.
  3. Areca Palm: Air-Purifying Powerhouse The areca palm is a popular choice for its air-purifying properties and graceful fronds. It thrives in bright, indirect light and needs regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist.
  4. Bamboo Palm: Graceful and Lush The bamboo palm is a compact and versatile plant that adapts well to different light conditions. It thrives in moderate to bright indirect light and needs regular watering.
  5. Kentia Palm: Classic Beauty The kentia palm is an elegant and low maintenance plant with feathery fronds. It prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  6. ZZ Plant: Low Maintenance Wonder The ZZ plant is a hardy plant with glossy, dark green leaves. It thrives in low to bright indirect light and needs infrequent watering, making it perfect for busy plant parents.
  7. Monstera: The Iconic Swiss Cheese Plant The monstera, with its iconic fenestrated leaves, is a statement plant that adds a tropical vibe to any space. It prefers bright, indirect light and moderate watering.

Plant Parent Style: Trendy Planters and Pottery for Every Home

  1. Terracotta Pots: Rustic Charm. Terracotta pots are timeless classics that provide excellent breathability for plant roots. Their earthy tones and rustic appeal make them a popular choice for many plant parents.
  2. Ceramic Planters: Sleek and Modern Ceramic planters come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, offering a sleek and modern look for your plants. From geometric designs to vibrant hues, ceramic planters add a stylish touch.
  3. Hanging Planters: Utilizing Vertical Space. Hanging planters are ideal for maximizing space and adding visual interest. Choose from macrame hangers, metal baskets, or planters with adjustable ropes to showcase your plants at different heights.
  4. Geometric and Abstract Designs: Contemporary Flair. Geometric and abstract planters bring contemporary flair to your indoor jungle. These eye-catching designs often feature clean lines, bold shapes, and unique patterns.
  5. Vintage and Retro Planters: Nostalgic Vibes. Add a touch of nostalgia with vintage or retro-inspired planters. Hunt for antique pots or explore modern options that capture the charm and character of past eras.

As a plant parent, having the right tools, decor, and plants can make all the difference in creating a thriving indoor jungle. With the right plant care tools, trendy plant decor ideas, and a selection of must have plants, you’ll be well equipped to take care of your green babies and create a beautiful and rejuvenating space in your home.

To find the perfect plants for your indoor jungle, be sure to check out our wide variety of plants, including popular choices like the fiddle leaf fig, white bird of paradise, areca palm, bamboo palm, kentia palm, ZZ plant, and monstera. Explore our collection to learn more about each plant’s care needs and to find the perfect additions to your plant family.

And remember that plant parenthood is a journey. So enjoy the process and watch your indoor jungle flourish!

We hope you found this blog post informative and inspiring. Happy plant parenting!

Color Changes with the Seasons

Welcome plant pals!  As spring is in full swing, hopefully all of your plants are waking up from a long winter and sprouting new leaves.  For us in Florida, green is the color of the season.  Have you ever wondered why plants change color as the seasons shift?  It’s rather beautiful as the colors change from a vibrant green to a fiery mix of yellow, orange, and red.  But why does this happen every year? Let’s find out.


As summer fades away and fall creeps in, the leaves on trees and shrubs begin to change from vibrant greens to warm shades of red, orange, and yellow. It’s like Mother Nature decided to put on her own personal fashion show, displaying an array of hues that leave us in awe. But did you know that these changes in color are not just for aesthetics? In fact, they play a crucial role in the plant’s survival.

As the days get shorter and the temperature drops, the amount of sunlight and warmth that plants receive decreases. This triggers a response in the plant’s leaves, causing them to stop producing chlorophyll, which is what gives leaves their green color. Without chlorophyll, other pigments like carotenoids (orange – like beta carotene in carrots) and anthocyanins (red) are revealed, resulting in the beautiful array of colors we see during the fall season.

Whether you’re an outdoor or indoor plant enthusiast, the changing colors of plants during the seasons is a sight to behold. It’s a reminder that nature is constantly evolving and adapting, and our beloved plants are no exception. So, take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you and enjoy the vibrant colors that the changing seasons bring. Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about your own plants along the way!

Seasonal Changes

As summer comes to an end and autumn begins, the color changes in plants is be quite spectacular. The bright greens and vivid colors of summer foliage give way to rich hues of red, orange, and yellow, signaling the onset of cooler temperatures and shorter days. But what causes these color changes, and why do they happen?

The primary reason for the color changes in plants during the fall is a decrease in the amount of sunlight and a change in temperature. As the days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, the amount of sunlight that reaches the leaves decreases, and the plant prepares for winter. This triggers a series of biochemical changes within the plant that result in the breakdown of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis.

As the chlorophyll breaks down, the other pigments within the leaf become more visible. These pigments include carotenoids, which produce yellow, orange, and brown colors, and anthocyanins, which produce red and purple colors. The specific colors produced by these pigments depend on the species of plant, the environmental conditions, and the stage of the color change.

Carotenoids are present in plants throughout the year. But they are often masked by the abundance of chlorophyll in the summer. As the chlorophyll breaks down in the fall, the carotenoids become more visible, resulting in the yellow and orange hues of many fall leaves. These pigments also contribute to the color of many fruits and vegetables, including carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins.

Anthocyanins, on the other hand, are produced in response to certain environmental factors, such as light and temperature. They are not present in leaves throughout the year and are only produced in certain species of plants. These pigments are responsible for the red and purple colors seen in many fall leaves, as well as the deep hues of some fruits, such as blueberries, apples, and cherries.

The production of anthocyanins in leaves is influenced by a variety of factors, including light, temperature, and pH. Low temperatures and bright sunlight can stimulate the production of these pigments, resulting in more vibrant colors. In addition, some plant species produce more anthocyanins in response to stress, such as drought or nutrient deficiency.

While the color changes in plants during the fall are primarily a result of biochemical changes within the plant, other factors can also influence the intensity and timing of the color change. For example, drought or frost can cause leaves to wither and die before the color change is complete, resulting in less vibrant colors. Similarly, early snowfall or heavy rain can damage the leaves and cause them to fall off before the color change is complete.

Overall, the color changes in plants during the fall are a fascinating and beautiful phenomenon that is the result of a complex interplay between environmental factors and biochemical processes within the plant. From the bright oranges of maple leaves to the deep reds of sumac, the colors of fall leaves are a testament to the natural beauty and diversity of the world around us.

Which plants should you choose based on the seasons?

If you are looking to keep the blooms flowing throughout the fall and winter, there are some indoor plants that will bloom and thrive in the fall and winter, adding bright pops of color to your home during those gray winter days.  Here are some indoor plants that are known to thrive and bloom during fall and winter:

  • Poinsettia – Poinsettias are a classic holiday plant that bloom in shades of red, white, and pink. They require bright, indirect sunlight and should be kept away from cold drafts.
  • Christmas cactus – Christmas cacti bloom in shades of red, pink, and white, and are a popular indoor plant during the winter months. They require bright, indirect sunlight and should be watered regularly.  Did you know that there is a Thanksgiving cactus too?  Add both to your collection and have blooms through the fall and winter!
  • Amaryllis – Amaryllis bulbs can be planted in the fall and will bloom in shades of red, pink, and white during the winter months. They require bright, indirect sunlight and regular watering.
  • African violet – African violets are a popular indoor plant that blooms in shades of pink, purple, and white. They prefer moderate to bright indirect sunlight and should be watered from the bottom to prevent water from getting on their leaves.

However, if you are looking for lush, vibrant plants that will maintain their foliage year round, these are the top suggestions from PLANTZ:

  • Snake Plant – Snake plants, or Sansevieria, are a great choice for the winter as they can tolerate low light and dry air conditions, making them easy to care for. They come in a wide variety of green shades, often times with bright yellow as well, and are known for their air-purifying qualities.
  • Janet Craig Carmen– Janet Craigs are another easy-to-care-for plant that thrives in low light conditions. They are known for their large green leaves and their ability to increase oxygen in the air.
  • ZZ Plant – The ZZ plant is a popular choice for the winter months as it can tolerate low light and infrequent watering. They have glossy, green leaves that add a touch of elegance to any space.
  • Rikki Cane– The Rikki Cane is the perfect plant for any home or office space during any season.  Their leaves are variegated with yellow or lime green patterns and pump out the oxygen.  They prefer low to moderate light and enjoy life on the dry side.
  • Chinese Evergreen – The Chinese Evergreen, or Aglaonema, is a low-maintenance plant that can tolerate low light and dry air conditions. They have variegated leaves that come in a variety of shades and patterns.

No matter the season, there are plants that will add the glow you want in your home every season of the year.  Whether you want a pop of color during the dreary days of winter with a Christmas Cactus, or year round splendor with a lush Aglaonema, there is no need to limit yourself to enjoying houseplants only during the spring and summer.

Keep your plants happy as the season changes

As the seasons change, so do the needs of your indoor plants. Proper care during these transitions can mean the difference between healthy, thriving plants and wilted, unhappy ones. Here are some tips to help keep your plants happy as the season changes.

Reduce the Watering

When it comes to watering your plants, less is sometimes more. It’s like how you feel after eating too much pizza – sure, it’s delicious, but too much can make you feel pretty gross. Same goes for your plants! Overwatering during the winter months can lead to root rot and other problems, so it’s important to be mindful of how much water your plants are receiving.

To determine when to water, check the soil moisture level. Many people might suggest sticking your finger about an inch into the soil to see if it’s dry.  But this is an unreliable method that can damage your plants.  Invest in a tool like the Soil Sleuth to see if it’s time to water. If the soil is still moist, wait a day or two before checking again. This way, you’ll avoid drowning your plants and help them thrive through the seasonal changes.

Give Them a Wash

Plants may not take baths like we do, but they can benefit from a good wash every now and then. Think about it – you wouldn’t want to go weeks without a shower, and neither do your plants! Dust, dirt, and even pests can accumulate on their leaves, which can inhibit their growth and health. So, giving your plants a wash can help remove any buildup and keep them healthy.

Use a damp cloth or sponge to gently wipe down the leaves or place the plant in the shower and give it a gentle rinse with lukewarm water. Just be sure not to use hot water, as this can shock your plants and cause damage.

Keep Them Warm…But Not Too Warm

Just like we like to be cozy during the colder months, our plants also need to stay warm to thrive. But be careful not to make them too warm – it’s like putting on too many layers and feeling like you’re in a sauna. Most indoor plants prefer temperatures between 60- and 75-degrees Fahrenheit. So be sure to avoid placing them near drafty windows or doors and away from radiators or other heating vents.

On the other hand, some plants may need a cooler temperature to induce blooming, like cyclamen or Christmas cactus. So, it’s important to research the specific care requirements for each of your plants to ensure they’re getting the right environment.

Enforce a Strict Meal Plan

We all know the importance of proper nutrition, and our plants are no different. During the colder months, it’s important to adjust your plant’s feeding schedule to accommodate their changing needs. Most indoor plants require little to no fertilizer during the winter months, as they are not actively growing. If you do fertilize in the winter, choose a high-quality, balanced fertilizer and use it sparingly – about half the amount recommended on the package. Think of it like a balanced diet – your plants need a little bit of everything to thrive. Avoid fertilizing during periods of dormancy when your plant is not actively growing.

Let There Be Light

We all need a little sunshine in our lives, and our plants are no exception. During the winter months, the days are shorter and natural light may be in short supply. However, light is still essential for healthy plant growth. Ensure your plants are placed in a location with bright, indirect light. You may need to move them closer to a window or supplement with artificial light.

If you’re using artificial light, choose a full-spectrum light bulb that mimics natural sunlight. Leave the light on for 12-14 hours a day. And be sure to turn it off at night to give your plants a rest. It’s like giving them a bedtime story and tucking them in for the night!

Transitioning your indoor plants to the new season doesn’t have to be difficult. By adjusting your watering schedule, giving your plants a wash, keeping them warm but not too warm, providing proper nutrition, and ensuring they have adequate light, you can help keep your plants healthy and happy as the seasons change.

Remember to always research the specific care requirements for each of your plants to ensure that you are providing the best possible conditions. With a little extra care, your indoor plants can thrive and bring joy and beauty to your home all year round.

What does it all mean?

Now that we’ve discussed the beauty of seasonal changes and how they affect our plants, it’s important to understand what it all means. When it comes to gardening, it’s not just about picking out the prettiest flowers or the plants with the most vibrant colors. It’s about understanding the life cycle of the plant and how it adapts to its environment.

Because plants change with the seasons, it’s important to know which plants are appropriate to each. You want to make sure that you’re planting at the right time of year so that the plant has the best chance to thrive. For example, you wouldn’t want to plant a plant that loves the heat in the middle of winter.

When you know the right plants to put in your garden based on the four seasons, you can ensure an amazing kaleidoscope of foliage, texture, and color year-round. In the spring, you’ll see new growth and fresh blooms. Summer is full of lush greenery and vibrant colors. Fall brings a stunning display of warm oranges, yellows, and reds. And in the winter, you’ll see evergreens and other hardy plants that can withstand the colder temperatures.

Not only does planting the right plants at the right time help ensure a visually appealing garden. But it can also benefit the plant’s health. Plants that are planted out of season may not receive the proper nutrients, sunlight, and water that they need to thrive. This can lead to stunted growth, disease, and even death.

Understanding the seasons and how they affect our plants can also help us appreciate the beauty of nature even more. We can watch as our gardens transform throughout the year, marveling at the way each plant adapts to its environment. It’s a reminder that everything in nature is connected. And that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves.

When you’re planning your garden, take the time to consider the seasons and which plants are best suited for each. Your garden will not only be beautiful, but it will also be healthy and sustainable. And who knows? You might just discover a new appreciation for the changing of the seasons and the wonders of nature.

Looking to add some seasonal color to your garden or indoor plant collection? Visit PLANTZ for a wide selection of plants that will thrive in any season. From fall foliage to winter blooms, we have the perfect plants to brighten up your space. Don’t forget to check out our care guides to ensure your plants stay happy and healthy as the seasons change. Shop now and bring the beauty of nature into your home!

F.A.Q.s  –

  • Do all plants change color with the seasons?

Not all plants change color with the seasons. Some plants, such as evergreens, keep their leaves all year round and maintain the same color. However, many deciduous plants change color in the fall as they prepare for winter.

  • Can I plant any type of plant at any time of the year?

It’s best to plant each type of plant at the appropriate time of year for their specific needs. Planting out of season can lead to stunted growth and other problems.

  • How do I know when to water my plants in different seasons?

Watering needs can vary based on the season and the specific needs of the plant. Generally, it’s best to reduce watering in the winter when plants are in a dormant period. But be sure to monitor soil moisture and adjust as needed.

  • Can indoor plants be affected by seasonal changes?

Yes, indoor plants can be affected by seasonal changes just like outdoor plants. It’s important to adjust their care routine as the seasons change to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

  • How can I keep my plants warm in the winter without overheating them?

It’s important to keep indoor plants in a location where they receive sufficient light and warmth. But not so much that they become overheated. A good rule of thumb is to keep them away from drafty windows and heating vents. And use a space heater or heating pad as needed.

The Benefits of Keeping Snake Plants around the House

Are you a looking to become a new plant parent and are in need of the easiest possible plant to get started?  PLANTZ has the perfect plant for you.  The Sansevieria, or Snake Plant, is a low maintenance plant that is perfect for people testing the waters of the indoor plant world.

What is a snake plant?

Also popularly known as the Mother-in-Law Tongue due to their sharp look. The Snake Plant is a native of the drier regions of Africa and Southeast Asia.  They are renowned for their long, upright, pointed leaves that can grow several feet tall.  The leaves are typically green. However they do come in a few varieties that exhibit yellow variegation like the Sansevieria laurentii, and others that exhibit variegation patterns of light and dark green like the Sansevieria zeylanica.  The thick, fleshy leaves are perfect for storing water which help it survive drought conditions.  It gets its name as the Snake Plant due to the shape and sharp margins of the leaves, that resemble snakes.

These plants make the perfect addition to any décor style when placed in an appropriate planter.  Their leaves are stiff and tall making them a great choice for slender spaces.  Their sleek shape and green color makes them a popular option for modern styles as it pairs well with clean lines and neutral colors.  The light-toned wood and natural textures of Scandinavian décor styles also pairs well with the Snake Plant.  It also fits right in with the bright colors and bold patterns of tropical décor.  This really is a plant that can adapt to just about any condition and décor.

Tips for caring for your Snake Plant


 The Sansevieria is a truly mellow plant when it comes to maintenance.  This plant has only one enemy:  over-watering.  Because its native landscape is arid regions, this plant thrives in dry conditions and can be left without watering for up to a month.  Let the soil dry out almost completely before giving your plant a good soak.  In order to better gauge the moisture levels in the soil, we recommend our Soil Sleuth to eliminate any guesswork.  This is a much better indicator of moisture than your finger.  Make sure the planter you choose for your Snake Plant has drainage holes to provide an escape for excessive water.  Overwatering can result in root rot, fungus growth, oxygen deprivation and nutrient depletion for your plant and may ultimately kill it.


One of the great things about the Snake Plant is its ability o thrive in almost any condition.  It stands strong in bright light, maintains its integrity in low light, spruces up just about any indoor décor style, and is a long lasting addition to any outdoor garden.  Even better, if your plant is unhappy with the lighting conditions, it will tell you.  Droopy leaves are a strong indicator that your low light location is too dark for your Snake Plant.  Should you decide to move your plant to a brighter location, be gentle and go slow.  A sudden shift from a dark space to bright light can shock your plant.


For the best results, keep your Snake Plant in a space with consistent temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees.  Snake Plants are not a fan of the cold.  If temperatures drop below 50 degrees, your snake plant will let you know it is unhappy.  If you receive a weather alert that the temperatures are going to drop and your Snake Plant is outside, consider making space for it indoors to ensure it remains healthy and happy.  They do prefer stable conditions so once inside, keeping it away from AC vents or heaters is a good idea.  Because of the Florida climate, plant lovers in Florida will be happy to know that a Snake Plant will do fine without being moved almost year-round.


When you purchase your Snake Plant from PLANTZ, the soil that comes with the plant will already be chock full of nutrients that will last for the first six months you have it.  Once those initial six months are over, feed it once every quarter with a complete fertilizer that contains the combination of nutrients for indoor plants.


Snake Plants accumulate dust at a slower rate than most other plants due to the shape of their leaves.  If you notice dust on the leaves that may interfere with the plants ability to absorb light, take a towel and wet it with light soapy water and wipe down both sides of the leaves.


The only time it is really necessary to prune a Snake Plant is when an old leaf turns yellow or brown.  If this happens, the leaf needs to be pruned all the way down to or below soil level.  It is crucial to remove the entire leaf.


Pests are not usually an issue with these plants.  You might see a rogue squadron of mealybugs.  If so, just use that same solution you use to clean your Snake Plant’s leaves and wipe the bugs off the plant.

How to pick a Snake Plant?

There are a few things to consider when picking your Snake Plant.  First, check the leaves of the plant.  Are they firm and upright?  Do you see any brown or yellowing leaves?  Yellowing leaves does not mean the natural variegation in certain Snake Plants.  It means is the whole leaf yellowing due to damage or illness.  Avoid any plants that have damaged or wilting leaves. As this may be an indicator that there are issues with the plant and its root system.

Snake plants are slow growers.  Make sure the plant you purchase is the right size for the space you are looking to fill.  For instance, a small tabletop Snake Plant is not the focal point you’re looking for in an empty corner, and vice versa.  You definitely don’t want a large floor plant sitting on the corner of your office desk.

Keep in mind that these plants have a wide array of variegation options.  Some Sansevieria have thicker yellow margins on the leaves than others.  Some are a bright green while others are a dimmer green but with light green variegation.  Yet others have no variegation at all, just tall sword-like green leaves.  Choose the right colors for your current design scheme.  If you are looking for a more muted color, choosing a darker green or non-variegated plant may be your best option.  If you are working with a tropical vibe, a Snake Plant with wide yellow margins should work perfectly.

When you get a chance, check out the root system.  Do the roots look healthy?  Are they light colored and not dark brown?  Dark brown can be an indicator that the plant is not healthy or has root rot.  While snake plants are happy living in tight quarters, they do still need some space.  If the plant’s roots are coming through the bottom of the pot and are tangled, the plant may be root bound and could be lacking in nutrients, making it a less healthy option.

Snake Plant Benefits?

Snake Plants have been revered for their many health benefits for ages.  In West Africa, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.  It was believed to have wondrous healing properties and was used to treat respiratory problems, sore throats, and even fevers.  In more recent years, Snake Plants were studied by NASA to see how effective they were at removing toxins in the air.  The NASA study showed that the Snake Plant not only was able to remove toxins, it was one of the best indoor plants at doing so.  The toxins best absorbed by the leaves of the Snake Plant are formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.  Formaldehyde is a common indoor pollutant and is found in carpet, furniture, and cleaning products.

It can cause a wide range of health problems from throat irritation and allergic reactions to increased risk of certain types of cancer.  Benzene is also commonly found indoors in gasoline and paint.  Prolonged exposure to benzene can cause a whole host of ailments in humans as well. Including headaches, nausea, anemia, and leukemia. Trichloroethylene is a solvent found in dry cleaning products and has been known to cause kidney and liver damage as well as confusion.

Snake Plants are also excellent air purifiers.  Much like other plants, they use carbon dioxide in the air in photosynthesis, which then causes the plant to release oxygen.  An increase in oxygen in the air helps purify the air and create a healthier living environment.  Snake Plants even take it one step further.  While most plants remain dormant at night, reducing the amount of oxygen released into the surrounding air, Snake Plants are one of the few plants that continue to provide health benefits at night through the release of oxygen.  For a better night’s rest, place a Snake Plant in the bedroom and breathe in that freshly purified Snake Plant air!

Snake Plants are also known to promote a sense of relaxation, helping to reduce stress and calm the mind and body.  All of these health benefits combined, help to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of infections.  Beyond health benefits, Snake Plants also produces Saponin, a chemical that is effective at repelling mosquitos. Which is yet another reason Snake Plants are the perfect plant for homes.

Adding a Snake Plant to your home, be in on a patio or in a bedroom, will only make your life happier!

Bottom of Form

If you’re ready to commit to a low maintenance plant with extraordinary health benefits that will fit into just about any design scheme, then the Snake Plant is for you!  PLANTZ offers a variety of types (the Laurentii and the Zeylanica) and sizes (10” growpots and 14” growpots) of Snake Plants that will fit into your unused space.  Go to today and start the process of growing your green thumb!

F.A.Q.s  – add that it is toxic to animals

  1. I’ve never owned a plant before. Is the Snake Plant right for me? 100%.  The Snake Plant is the best starter plant for any hopeful plant parent.  They are low maintenance, fit into any existing décor, and offer a multitude of health benefits.
  2. Snake Plants are low maintenance, but are they really un-killable? The only real way to kill this plant is by overwatering it.  Give it a good soak, and it should not need to be watered again for about a month.  Check the soil with the PLANTZ Soil Sleuth and find out the easy way if your plant needs a drink
  3. Are Snake Plants toxic? Yes! Snake Plants are toxic to humans if ingested and may cause nausea and/or vomiting.  They are also toxic to dogs and cats.  It is best to keep these plants out of reach of your pets.
  4. Do Snake Plants help you sleep better? Snake Plants are one of the only plants that continue releasing oxygen at night.  Buy a Snake Plant and set it up in your bedroom.  You’ll notice it’s easier to fall asleep at night with fresher air.
  5. Where can I find a Snake Plant?  The easiest way to add this delightful plant to your home is by ordering it from PLANTZ.  Shopping online at is easy.  They not only have several offerings, they also provide in depth care instructions and video details to help you take better care of your plant.  They have representatives standing by to answer any questions you may have.

The Areca Palm: Why It’s Great for Indoors and Outdoors

Spring is here and what better way is there to spruce up your home than with new plants?  One perfect option to add a bit of tropical flair to your décor is the Areca Palm or Dypsis lutescens. This plant will thrive both indoors and outdoors given the right placement and will brighten up any room with its long, feathery, yellow-green fronds.  Follow the guide below to keep your Areca Palm tree lush and vibrant.

What is an Areca Palm?

Also known as the Butterfly Palm or the Party Palm, Areca Palm trees are from the plant family Arecaceae and are native to Madagascar.  While they naturally thrive in tropical and subtropical regions, they also make excellent houseplants when provided with the right amount of light.  Areca Palms growing in the wild will often bear fruit which is consumed by the surrounding environment for sustenance. However, when grown away from its native environment, these palms do not bear fruit and will not cause strange birds to find a sudden interest in your home.  These plants are generally low maintenance and make a great addition to any home be it for privacy, accents, or even a focal point for a room.

Why the Areca Palm is good for indoors

Areca Palms are a fantastic indoor plant option.  They offer multiple benefits to a home.  First, they are incredibly easy to maintain.  New plant parents will love this palm.  An occasional overwatering, while certainly not ideal, won’t kill this plant.  Not so much with underwatering, however, as your plant would definitely cry if it had any water to spare.  She is unforgiving when dry and will let you know when it is unhappy.  Having an Areca Palm indoors will make its surrounding environment a healthier space.

These plants are renowned for their ability to act as an air cleaner by removing certain toxins like formaldehyde and acetone from the air.  These toxins are quite harmful to humans and may cause breathing problems or exacerbate issues for people who have problems with their lungs.  Also, because these palms have a wide wingspan with numerous leaves, their leaves are able to produce more oxygen as it photosynthesizes carbon dioxide from the air.  Areca Palms also increase the levels of humidity in the air.  Combined with increased oxygen and toxin-free air, additional humidity helps people with asthma and other respiratory issues breathe a little easier.  Another important benefit of having an area palm indoors is that they are not toxic to pets.  Not all indoor plants can make this claim, and it is important to ensure the safety of our multi-legged friends.

Imagine a lush Areca Palm tree in your living room fanning out and catching the sunlight to keep its leaves verdant and vibrant.  These tropical beauties stay green all year long and create a bold statement in any room.  Just being in the presence of a mature Areca Palm is enough to help you wind down from a rough day at the office.  If you follow the principles of Feng Shui, the Areca Palm is the right indoor plant for you as they promote wealth, peace and prosperity.

Why the Areca Palm is good for outdoors

Not only are Areca Palms outstanding indoor plants, they also lend that lush tropical vibe as an outdoor plant.  There are many benefits to incorporating Areca Palms outdoors and in your landscaping design.  First, as stated above, Areca Palms are non-toxic to animals like dogs, cats and horses.  This makes it safe for any stray animals that may venture onto your property.  They are even said to be deer resistant, keeping them from chomping on the Areca Palms leaves.

The foliage of the Areca Palm is rather dense.  This makes it a perfect option for a natural privacy screen.  Areca Palms that are grown outdoors can grow upwards of 30 feet.  Trees that tall are able to block eyesight onto upper-level balconies and windows, providing a natural barrier between the home and any neighbors or passersby.

Their dense foliage, low maintenance, environmental friendliness, and aesthetic appeal make them a perfect plant to be incorporated into any outdoor design scheme.  They can be grown in the ground or in a container and will thrive in either place.

How do you take care of it?

Areca Palm care is ideal for new plant parents.  They are low maintenance, but still have certain needs that must be met to stay healthy.  While no two plants are created equal, all plants need some amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients to survive.  The Areca Palm is no different.

  • Sunlight: These plants are easy to care for; however, their one sticky point is sunlight.  Areca Palms thrive in bright light.  Generally, they need nearly full-time bright sunlight each day to stay lush.  It can even handle bright, setting sun.  Sunlight for the Areca Palm also doesn’t need to be filtered.  If it is getting consistent bright light, make sure it is watered properly and fed the right amount of nutrients to account for the bright sun. To ensure your Areca Palm gets the right amount of light, place it near a window that gets bright light daily.  If the Areca Palm is not getting enough light, its leaves may begin to turn yellow, alerting you that it should be moved to a brighter location. Beware:  This plant when shown the right amount of love ca be a prolific grower!
  • Water: Because the Areca Palm requires so much bright light, it also needs a lot of water.  Make sure to wet the soil thoroughly each time it is watered.  Then let it dry out until the surface of the soil is dry before watering it again.  These plants prefer a well-draining soil.  Using a sub-irrigation method like the PlantAssure is a great idea and can be helpful in reducing watering frequency.  Please see the PLANTZ watering guide for more information. For indoor Areca Palms, it is highly suggested that you use the PLANTZ Soil Sleuth.  Let the plant dry down to the first (lowest) notch.  At this point, you know it is getting its last bit of remaining water and needs to be watered again.  This plant does not like to be thirsty.
  • Nutrition: Freshly planted Areca Palms, especially those obtained through com, won’t need any additional feeding for at least 6 months after planting due to the nutrients in the fresh soil.   After the initial 6-month period, feed your Areca Palm quarterly with a complete fertilizer.  The fertilizer should be specific as to the indoor Areca Palm or the outdoor Areca Palm.  Indoor and outdoor plants run through nutrients at different rates.  Make sure to use the right fertilizer for the location of your plant.
  • Cleaning: The cleaner the leaves, the more toxins the Areca Palm can remove from the air and the more oxygen it can emit through photosynthesis.  While there are numerous fronds and leaves involved with a thriving Areca Palm making cleaning a challenge, it is certainly a smart thing to do in order to maximize the benefits of this luxurious tropical plant.  The best way to clean the plant is with a damp cloth soaked in water and a light soap solution.  If this is too challenging for you, using a feather duster is also an option, just ensure it is clean before and after each use.
  • Pests: Yes, Areca Palms may attract pests.  One pest that might seek out your Areca Palm is the mealy bug.  Be on the lookout for these little, white, cottony bugs at the base of leaves, on the stems and under leaf sheathes.  Areca Palms also are attractive to mites, which may be mistaken for dust.  If you see either of these pests, don’t fret!  Just grab a spray bottle and fill it with a light soap solution and spray the plant daily until the pests are gone.

How to trim it an Areca Palm

Some pruning is required of the Areca Palm, and it’s an easy, straightforward process.  Inspect your plant for any dead or damaged leaves.  Use sharp pruning shears to remove them at the base of the stem.  As the leaves age, they will eventually turn brown, especially if you frequently underwater your plant.  When this happens, prune these leaves off at the base of the stem.  Even the sheaths around the stem will brown after a time.  This is not a problem.  The brown sheaths are easily peeled off the stem, thereby exposing the fresh stem underneath.

Be careful to only remove the sheaths after they have turned brown.  If you force them off too early, you will cause damage to your plant, scarring the stem and opening it up to pest infestations.  The plant will heal the small scratch of the brown sheath removal much easier than the early removal of a sheath.  A plant knows when it has been trimmed and will heal that small wound on its own, whereas a larger cut will cause a a larger gash that takes more energy from the plant to heal.  Perhaps it is best thought of as how humans use a bandaid to help heal a small cut, but then needs stitches to heal a larger gash.  The goal is to impose the least amount of stress on your plant.

Areca Palms can grow to be as lush as you want them to be.  If the fronds are too long, trim them back to a manageable size that fits the space.  These cuts should be at the base of the palm’s frond, removing the whole frond. Wait for the sheath to turn brown.  As noted above, it is best for the plant if you wait to remove the sheath until it fully browns.  The whole stalk can also be removed at the base just above the soil.  Areca Palm care is easy, and these slow growing plants only need to be pruned to manage the size of the plant or to remove dead or damaged leaves.


As spring approaches, adding a lush tropical vibe to your home is guaranteed to wash away any remaining evidence of the winter blues.  Take a deep breath full of purified Areca Palm air with extra humidity and oxygen and feel your worries dissolve away as you look on the brighter side of life.

There’s no need to leave your home to shop for your Areca Palm.  PLANTZ has been supplying high-quality plants to their customers since the 1970s.  Their experts are available to answer all of your Areca Palm questions.  Check out the PLANTZ website and find the perfect Areca Palm for your indoor space.


  1. Where can I find an Areca Palm for sale near me? The fastest and easiest way to purchase an Areca Palm is through the PLANTZ websitePLANTZ has experts on hand to answer any questions you may have about your new Areca Palm.  You don’t even need to leave your house.  Just pick up your smartphone, open the link, and choose the size plant you want.  PLANTZ deliveries are fast and pain-free.
  2. Are Areca Palms easy to care for? Yes! They are low maintenance plants.  As long as they are placed in a location with the proper amount of sunlight, these plants will thrive with little attention.  These plants are great for beginners.
  3. Will my Areca Palm grow indoors? These plants make fantastic indoor plants. With proper lighting, an Areca Palm will thrive indoors and provide some great health benefits to those in the surrounding environment.
  4. How tall do Areca Palms grow? Areca Palms grown indoors average about 10 feet tall.  Outdoor Areca Palms have the potential to grow up to 30 feet in height.
  5. Will an Areca Palm hurt my dog or cat if they eat it? These plants are non-toxic to dogs and cats, and horses too!

Low Maintenance Plants

Snake Plant

Sansevierias (snake plant) are some of the toughest plants you can find. Whether indoors, in your garden or on your balcony, these spiky beauties can put up with almost anything.


Snake plants do best with a free-draining soil mix, because they are easily prone to rot. A soilless potting mixture is best to ensure adequate drainage. Also be sure to use a terracotta pot that won’t trap water inside and promptly remove any standing water from the saucer.

Water, Light and Food

Snake plants do well when you almost forget about them. Allow soil to dry between waterings and take extra special care not to over water in the winter. Try to avoid getting the leaves wet when you water them. Place you snake plant in indirect sunlight  (although they are tolerant of a variety of light conditions) and fertilize during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food.

Built in air purifier

Snake plants are reportedly very effective at cleaning the air, removing toxins such as formaldehyde. Poor air quality is responsible for more than 100,000 premature deaths in the U.S. every year. It is very important for the quality of life to have the best pure air as possible. Snake plants have your back!


Snake plants are a great plant if you travel and are not home for long periods of time, if you live somewhere that doesn’t have an abundance of sunlight, or you just have the curse of the black thumb. Shop our store and find the perfect low maintenance plant to have in your home today.

PLANTZ with Red Carpet Lookz

In case you missed it, the annual 2021 Grammy’s were a couple of nights ago, but due to the ongoing pandemic, many celebs celebrated from the comfort of their homes.

While we enjoyed the awards from home, the red-carpet looks did not cease to grace our Instagram feeds! One, in particular, stood out to the plant parents in the audience!

We could not help but freak out when Chrissy Teigen and John Legend posed with their plant on display. Would you pin this iconic duo as planties? We are not sure either, but we do know their pick fits them perfectly.

Their Aglaonema made its Instagram debut (twice)!

Chrissy and John's Quarantine Grammy's
Aglaonema on the Red Carpet

Aglaonema’s are low maintenance, low-light plants. They can go weeks between watering and can be sustained for long periods with indoor lighting. For obvious reasons, this makes them an ideal indoor plant candidate for busybodied celebs like the Legend Family.

This unique plant also referred to as the Chinese Evergreen, comes in several sizes and styles.

Want to live like a Legend? PLANTZ can (kinda) help. Check out our Aglaonema Varieties here!


The Office but Make it PLANTZ 

All of our selections at PLANTZ have their own unique personalities, just like human beings. Some are easy-going, some require more maintenance, and others are just there to look pretty and make you a happy camper. The plants we have are all full of life, just like the employees on the hit show The Office. So, let’s have some fun… We are matching the characters from The Office to their indoor plant. Does your house plant match Michael Scott or do you give off a more Stanley type of vibe? Looking for the Jim to your Pam? Scroll down to find out what plant fits which character best!



The world absolutely adores the trendy Ficus Lyrata for its prominent leaves and the dash of personality it adds to any space you place it in. Still, this big baby needs a lot of attention and care, so it is not for the inexperienced plant parents or people not ready to put in the effort to care for this tree. While popular, Fiddle Leaf Fig’s are sensitive and as dramatic as a Michael Scott quote. We think Michael embodies the ‘it’ plant because both come off as high maintenance, but they are easy to please as well once you know how to deal with them. Fiddle Leaf Fig light exposure plays a huge role in their success, so be sure to provide ample sunlight, or they will throw shade. If your plant baby has any brown spots, you can detect the problem (like too much or too little water) and make an adjustment before damage is done; the Fiddle Leaf Fig will then recover and produce new growth. Whether you are new to plant parenting or have mastered Mother Nature, your Fiddle Leaf Fig will flourish as long as you follow the recommendations. Oddly enough, we can say a lot of the same for the boss of Dunder Mifflin. Loved by many, avoided by most, Michael Scott is a needy man! Like a Fiddle Leaf Fig, all eyes are on him because his presence really does completely fill a room. They are both thirsty for the spotlight, literally. Just let them drink and vibe to calm their temper, and you will have a satisfied plant.


The Office



As the go-to guy, this one almost seems too easy to pair! We think Jim is undoubtedly a Monstera since he is indeed the life of the party and a classic dude! We love him for his charm, wit, and go with the flow attitude. Like Jim, Swiss Cheese Plant is one of our most popular PLANTZ picks because it is low maintenance but can grow larger than life. Monsteras thrive in medium to bright light; we recommend placing your plant baby next to a nice big window so their leaves will grow and split naturally! With these colossal heart-shaped leaves, they bring love and a little bit of paradise wherever they go. Monsteras play nice with everyone and every plant, and although Jim and Dwight may go back in forth, in the end, we all know their friendship is healthy and full of love. Known for their glossy finish, it is essential to care for them with a moderate amount of water and cleaning to be sure they stay picture perfect! Suitable for more than aesthetics, Monstera plant benefits include improving air quality and being one of the most effective house plants for reducing air pollution, keeping you calm and alert. We think there is no other plant more efficient than the Monstera at livening up a room, which is Jim’s most important role in the office. The health and joy they bring parallels Jim’s lighthearted character, making them beloved by all. The Split Leaf Philodendron is a classic choice for many spaces and is one good looking plant, just like good ole Jimmy Halbert, making him the best pick for the Monstera Deliciosa.  


Jim from the Office



She is nurturing, she is modest, she is simplistic, yet she holds it all together. Pam Beesly and The Janet Craig have so much in common it is hard to decide who we are describing here! Like the Dracaena deremensis, Pam enriches many lives while playing a plain jane role, a true to tie to keep all of the characters of the show together and grounded. In a world of uncertainty, everyone can agree that PB and JC brighten every room they enter into; no wonder Jim is so head over heels, and so are we for the Janet Craig! This long-leafed beauty is one of the most popular indoor plants because she is easy to maintain and relatively slow-growing, on top of several other Janet Craig plant benefits. She does it all; JC removes air pollutants such as trichloroethylene, carbon dioxide, and even lead, which are all harmful to our respiratory systems. That fresh, humidified air that the Janet Craig releases will assist with both brains and beauty! Studies have shown Dracaena’s ability to increase concentration and improve memory while aiding with dry skin and even sore throats. Pam is a jack of all trades throughout the countless seasons of The Office, showing her talents and versatility, just like this classic plant. The Janet Craig light requirements allow room for adjustment as well, just like Pam’s first engagement. Sometimes, it takes some trial and error to find the perfect conditions for these two, but they will THRIVE once you find them. They can survive in low light but, the brighter, the better! We could not think of a better pair to represent the glue that holds together each of their communities.


Plantz Office Characters


Propagated in Hawaiian lava rock, the Lisa Cane knows a thing or two about being hardy. This eccentric, robust giant reminds us of Dwight Schrute way too much. As a farmer himself, we are confident that Dwight would appreciate this magnificent Corn Plant! Among all Dracaena varieties, Lisa Cane offers a unique look that adds elegance and depth to tight quarters and grandiose spaces alike. As a reminder, Dracaena plant care is a breeze! Lisa Cane has one of the lowest light requirements out of any of our PLANTZ and prefers to be only slightly moist, meaning she can go a month or more before needing a drink. Dwight is a low key man of the earth, a true survivor off of little. Like Lisa, Dwight is a minimalist and plays Mr. Tough Guy, but wants to be the most prominent personality among any crowd. The Lisa Cane is significant, it is bold, but it is strong by itself even when not receiving attention. We highly recommend this plant for the individualistic plant parent types, people who want to stand out and display their intelligence and individuality.


The office



LEAF HIM ALONE! Stanley is pointy around the edges, just like our Snake Plant. Want a plant you really do not have to tend to but will still look fantastic on its own? That is your Sansevieria, also known as Snake Plant or Mother in Law Tongue. This plant is incredible because it can withstand low light, low watering regimen, and only needs your attention every now and then—kind of like our good man Stanley Hudson. Stanley does NOT want to be bothered at all. He prefers his solitude and is a true independent. Well, we could not think of a more independent plant to match him with than the Mother in Law Tongue. With his witty comebacks and calm attitude, we believe the only thing in the world that could make Stanley crack a smile is our Snake Plant… well, and of course, Pretzel Day, DUH!


The Office



Kelly Kapoor, what do we have to say about miss Kelly… Well, Kelly is larger than life. She walks into any room and commands attention from everyone there. So what better plant to pair with her than one that is loud and dramatic, so we have selected the Areca Palm to be Kelly’s perfect pair! This palm is HUGEEEE; Kelly is bubbly and bright, but also very high maintenance just like the Areca Palm. It requires careful attention and can sometimes come off pretty needy. If you treat it right though, and in the best of conditions, it will give you all the love you desire, just like the bubbly Kelly. She might be a lot to handle at times and a tad bit obsessive. Still, her dedication to her relationship with Ryan is unparalleled to anything we have ever seen (healthy or not), so we see her in the Areca Palm. The Areca Palm with the right attention, the palm will just keep growing and going. Kelly and the Areca are certainly two peas in a pod.  


The Office



One of our plant newbies, the JC Compacta, could not be more young and fresh, just like Ryan Howard is to the world of business. The fresh meat in the office and one with a little bit of a smart ass attitude, the JC Compacta is just like him and serves a little sass and spice in any room. The JC Compacta is a very free-spirited plant; it fits in any home and is really good at integrating anywhere, just like Ryan seems to integrate himself into a multitude of roles throughout the entirety of the show. Check out our JC Compacta if you are looking for something young, funky, and fresh that can serve many different rooms.


The Office




Creed is our Mr. sneaky sneak. ZZ Plants are sneaky as well… How you ask? Well, ZZ Plants are the most laid back plant in the book, even more so than a Snake Plant. They are our lowest light plant and can hide out just about anywhere, even in plain sight (like our good old criminal Creed) while not dying. We commonly recommend this plant for college dorms; that is how little light and attention it actually requires. Creed is evasive and one of the most street smart characters on the show; we feel his intelligence is totally underrated, kind of like an underdog. We believe Creed is also a bit of an underdog. The way the ZZ Plant has managed to thrive in any environment seems pretty street smart to us as well. Want to be around something as adaptable as the iconic Creed, then the ZZ Plant is definitely for you!


The Office




The cat lover and rule-follower of the office is Angela for sure. Angela is known for being uptight and tiny; the Aglaonema is a fantastic plant pick for Angela because although it is small in size, it is mighty as well. Follow the rules when it comes to your plant care, and the Aglaonema will be a great addition to any home. Aglaonemas have many colors and shapes to them as well; we see peeks of different sides to Angela all of the time on the show if you are paying close attention. She truly is the essence of an Aglaonema to a tee. 


The Office


Although we could go on and on about our love to PLANTZ and The Office we feel like this sums up all of our best plant and office pairs. The cast is just as dynamic as our plants inventory, pair your newest plant friend with a classic planter and plant stand… and TADA! You are set for a whole new interior design set up. Which one of these PLANTZ matches do you think is the most like you?

Do Plants Create a Healthier Lifestyle?

For as long as history seems to remember, plants have been used for decorations in just about any and all locations. Churches, homes, retail locations, offices, all seem to have house plants – even factories in some instances have displayed indoor plants. As we know, these plants have decorative value but many of us are not aware of the numerous health benefits that come with their presence as well. This article is meant to remind you of these benefits and reinforce their significance in the plant community.


Mental Health

With rising media and social coverage of mental issues as well as a deeper scientific understanding of mental health, this topic has become a mainstream day-to-day discussion in the workplace and throughout general society. All walks of life from kids to adults, regular people to pro athletes, and everyone in between are all changing portions of their lives to account for the mental health effects of certain daily life struggles. Retailers are adjusting their interior designs to make consumers subconsciously feel better in their stores while offices are doing the same, relying heavily on creating productive and zen spaces. Many of these changes have come through plants, which are no longer simply being looked at by professionals as decorations or corner fillers.

Plants help you avoid the feeling of isolation, which occurs all too often for most of us who sit inside doing what most of us do for a majority of our lives – work. As a result, you are seeing plants being placed in offices, homes, and other areas to keep people feeling connected more naturally to the world around them while completing their daily tasks. This is also known as Biophilic Design and as it becomes more common we are seeing more plants in the workplace.

“We all need to play in the dirt to stay healthy”

Studies have shown gardening to be proven to boost one’s mood, despite the hard work it involves. The plant itself has its benefits however the soil has been proven to be equally as beneficial (or more) as it has similar effects to one’s brain as antidepressants. Gardening is hard to accomplish when you might not have the means or property to do so, so indoor plants are a way to do that and can be done in any space and home, apartment, condo, or house.

Researchers have found that a “good bacteria” commonly found in the soil will activate brain cells to produce the brain chemical serotonin, which alters one’s behaviors and thoughts similar to antidepressants. Within the body, serotonin constricts blood vessels, sends messages between cells in the brain and within the central nervous system, regulates the secretion of digestive juices, and helps to control the passage of food through the gut. Serotonin has positive effects throughout the body in different ways, however, portions of the brain where the mood is regulated see the need for high levels of serotonin. Antidepressants work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to several disorders such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, aggression, irritable bowels, and fibromyalgia. The brain and body have many ways of working to maintain high levels, one of which is absorbing it, or “reuptake”, which comes into mind during the process of interacting with plants.

The more you inhale and have physical contact with plants and soil, the more positive effects you will experience. These effects have been studied to the extent that many scientists encourage the general populous to “spend more time playing in the dirt”. We encourage you to place your house plants in places close enough for you to absorb this type of energy on a regular basis, hence workspaces, bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms.



We all need things to keep us grounded, in line, and on schedule. Without responsibilities, we would be bored, lazy, unproductive, and unhealthy. Caring for a living thing will encourage you to stay on schedule with your care of the plant and attention given to the plant. This periodic scheduling will create disciplines that will spill into other parts of your life making you more effect of a human being and a better person mentally.


Air Quality

We have a global population of 8 billion people, which is growing drastically every day. Because of these numbers and substantial development in recent decades, we forget that we really do need growing life forms other than us to sustain our way of life. We need a balance, and plants provide that balance a little cost than some minor care and cost. Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, which is toxic to humans. Plants do the opposite as they uptake carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, how neat is that?! This balance in nature is needed globally and in your home. When you have a plant at home, your home’s air is healthier and better for you and your family. A higher oxygen level will mean a more effective and healthy body – which is why you see people with health or breathing issues being provided with oxygen tanks. A boost in oxygen will decrease fatigue and increase mental function through a release of positive hormones in your body. Some plants are better than others at cleaning out air pollutants and increasing air quality. One of our current favorites is the Sansevieria or the Snake Plant. A low-maintenance plant, almost no-care that increases your air quality.

Additionally – people often do not realize the air inside a building or home is often worse than the air in the middle of a major city. The reason for this is pollutants can get in easily, but often stay circulated in HVAC systems and have difficulty escaping. Plants will improve this air quality by fighting the air pollutants and balancing the presence of pollutants in the air. Research has shown that up to 87% of pollutants present in the air can be removed by plants. Many of these pollutants are very harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and benzene, which are known to cause cancer.


Immune System

The air quality and mental health benefits also spill over into the immune system. Chest and lung issues, for example, can arise from irritations caused by air pollutants. Secondarily, humidity levels will be balanced. Dry air will also cause lung irritation and other problems such as overheating or dry mouth. Adding moisture to the air through the presence of plants will mitigate this issue and may help you avoid costly items such as humidifiers.

Fresher air with fewer pollutants will lower this irritation level. The byproducts of plants’ metabolism will reduce stress, which can improve a person’s immune system. Most of the time you will not feel these effects, but you will notice them when you have not been sick in months and have not caught the flu bug going around. Studies have even shown a large percentage drop in illnesses between homes that have plants and those that do not.


Fortunately, there are many different options to fit people’s lifestyles and workplaces. Restricted space sizes, types, and looks can all be fitted with any of the thousands of options of plants. Not all plants in existence are known to scientists, but 391,000 are – plenty of options to fit where we need them to. Lifestyles will vary as well. Some people do not have time or the ability to water a plant daily. If that is the case that is not a problem, there are plenty of popular plants such as a cactus that can survive on periodic watering. With this flexibility, it is time for people to make a beneficial investment in plants as their presence alone pays dividends.




Health Happiness Activity – With PLANTZ

In a world gone crazy, we want to keep everyone a little more sane. PLANTZ is here to bring you the calming qualities of indoor plants to sooth you and bring peace during your quarantined time at home and we hope long afterward as well because we believe in the power of plants.

What are some ways plants can help right now?

Health. Happiness. Activity. All three of those things are important now more than ever. Let’s dive into how those three can make a difference in your life all through PLANTZ.


Let’s talk about plants and health. Did you know that plants actually benefit your health and can help prevent illness? Two words, air quality. With viruses and bacteria floating around our air and sticking to surfaces, the air quality of your home is more important than ever. We are seeing not only the Coronavirus but still the common flu and allergy season is at its peak and no real defense besides Lysol wipes and hand sanitizers, which are a rare commodity right now. There are many plants that help with the air quality, ridding toxins, and helping keep the air space clear and free of pollution that can irritate like an allergy or even make you sick.

One of the best plants for this happens to be one of our newer arrivals, the Snake Plant, or its botanical name Sansevieria. Since this plant is used to dry climates and soil where it originates from, it is also one of the easiest plants to take care of on top of being great for your air quality! What the Snake Plant does is essentially filter the indoor air converting carbon dioxide into oxygen overnight.

This plant is also one of the easiest plants to take care of, so you are being healthy basically without lifting a finger! Sansevieria has the ability to absorb toxins such as benzene, xylene, cancer-causing pollution, formaldehyde, and toluene, just to name a few. This plant never stops working to protect you against allergens and any other airborne toxins, so it truly is a great investment.

Being stuck inside all day has really pushed indoor plants to be such huge aids in our health and have given them such a larger purpose than just “decoration”. They truly have become essential to people and should be included in any household.

Check out the Snake Plant and more facts about it here: Snake Plant


The Snake plant is also called Mother in Law's Tongue



Next, let’s move on to your happiness because happiness and your physical health are uniquely intertwined. Whether you are self-quarantining by choice or by mandate we know the toll it is taking across the nation on people’s sanity and mental health. Mental health and inner peace are just as important as staying physically well. No happy mind; no happy life. The prediction of an increase in suicidal thoughts and depression is something pressing on all mental health professionals’ minds currently. Plants are proven to foster a mentality of peace and Zen while also bringing a purpose to people, just like a pet or child would. Another living thing that requires care and attention, just like you.

Physical health is obviously a hot topic and more important than ever right now, with an opportunity to get active with nothing else to do but be at home, but it is important that we do not forget our mental health as we attend to the physical. Studies continuously show that plants actually make people happier – now that’s a study we can get behind!  In times of stress and chaos, plants are known to have calming qualities and relieve stress. They also present the opportunity for distraction in these times of isolation, giving people something to do and something to care for, so actually making us happier human beings! Online shopping has also become an addiction across the states lately as well, turn your excessive shopping into something that benefits you in multiple ways, not just empty purchases that serve no extra meaning to your life.

All things green and aesthetic attribute to the feelings of peace and wholeness. So why not invest in some plant buddies for your own sanity, mental health, and HAPPINESS. Turn your home into a jungle sanctuary, so you feel transformed into another space. The more plants, the better the air quality, the cozier the home, the more you will feel at peace!

Here are some plant suggestions we think would make you jump for joy!

Spice up your life with not just the typical green plant, let’s try a color. How about pink?! You bet; we suggest you try out our Marginata Colorama that is actually pink! How much more unique can you get than a pink plant. This plant needs low light to moderate natural light, so it is great for your living room next to a window, and it comes in two different sizes so you can find your best fit. It also has unique leaves that stand out and create a dynamic shape. If you are looking for a happiness booster, what is better than pink. Between pink and yellow those are universal happy colors, making the Marginata Colorama one great option for a little serotonin boost.

Shop Marginata Colorama

Colorama Marginata


Another great mood booster option is the Warneckii Lemon Lime for some more colorful fun! This plant’s leaves are full of different colors ranging from different variations of green to yellow to grays and whites. Another contributing factor yet again is the fact that it does not require too much water to survive, so not too much additional work needed to keep this plant thriving. This plant is great for a plant companion if you want to appreciate it and have it as decor, but you do not want to have to check up on it too often. Keep this bad boy in some bright light near a window and it is set to go!

Shop Warneckii Lemon Lime

The Lemon Lime have beautiful bright colors in their leaves.


Our last suggestion to boost some happiness is the Rhapis Palm. This plant is truly unique when it comes to indoor plants. It portrays a sense of elegance but still stands out in a room in a dynamic way. The shapes of the leaves are not like any other indoor plant and the wood stems are a special touch the plant brings to your living space. It resembles a tree making your home look and feel like the great outdoors. This plant is known to last a longggg time, so keep your happiness around for the years to come.

Shop Rhapis Palm 

The Lady Palm requires medium light and alot of water.



Okay, now is the time to bring up how plants can become your newest activity. Plants are more than decor in your home, more than air purifiers, more than just another pretty face. Plants are something to take care of, but they are also a hobby, hence why there is such a large plant community.

Plants can give you something to do during quarantine. Not only do you have to maintain them, but they give you a purpose every morning because just like a pet or a child, they need taking care of. Some of these mornings have been hard, give yourself a reason to get out of bed, and maybe even take your plant outside for some sunny warmth and get some much-needed Vitamin D.

Another plant activity can be with your pots and planters! Get creative with your home decor by decorating and creating unique pots and changing up the layout of your home. You can paint your pots, bedazzle them, the possibilities are endless! Interior design takes research, time, and trying new things out. Rearrange your plants to add to the aesthetic of your house.


Some Interior Designs you should give a try…

Art Deco – This is a unique design for the true creatives. A little less mainstream but still a funky spin for the special individual. This style is often said to be a nod to the Roaring Twenties and gives us all the Great Gatsby vibes. Some great plant picks for this type of design are, Colorama for its bright colors, ZZ Plant for its unique shape, and Areca Palm like the true party plant it is! Art deco is all about colors and shapes that stand out and accent pieces, turn your plant into an accent piece instead of the typical choices such as art or a statue. Your plant can be part of the art deco in the room.  You will have all your friends roaring with envy on your new plant set up when you all get together to zoom chat!

Read more on Art Deco                                                                                                                                     Art Deco

Art Deco Design

The next suggestion we have is one of the most popular for our plant lovers, the bohemian style. When thinking boho think a mix of the 70s and Moroccan vibes. What is great about the boho style for plant owners, is they fit right in since greenery is a huge part of the style already. Some plants commonly seen throughout this form of interior design are the Monstera, White Bird of Paradise, and the Kentia Palm, which are all classics you will love. Bohemian style normally portrays a comfy cozy vibe making you never want to leave the room! So, if you are a homebody we definitely suggest this style for you.

Read more on Boho Style

Bohemian Interior Design

Boho Design

Boho Interior Design

Lastly, we suggest giving the modern design a try… keep up with the times. What is a modern design you ask? It is a classic choice with an updated feel to it. Modern design is usually clean and somewhat minimalistic, but this is also still left up to interpretation. A Janet Craig or a Marginata are great plants for this, adding depth and uniqueness to an otherwise minimalist color palette. The greens will really pop in any modern setting. We suggest crisp whites, stark blacks, and popping navy’s to contrast your green against! Even some an array of grays would go nicely with your new green plant buddy.

Read more on Modern Home Design


Modern Interior Design


Interior design, not your thing? Why not a photoshoot… WITH YOUR PLANTS!

Get creative with your plants and snap some pictures, we love to play model for a day! Tag us on social media or email them in for a chance to be featured as well and join our plant community. 


Have kids at home? Get them involved in a family plant activity! Pick your plants together and find your perfect new plant fit. Then pick out a pot and wait for it to be delivered. Read our snippet at the bottom of the shop page to find the best places to place your new plant and what kind of care it needs and then walk through it all together! Giving your children a plant is a lot like a pet, teaching them responsibility and the importance of taking care of a living thing. A great teaching opportunity during the quarantine. This is the perfect fix to keep your children from begging you for a puppy for the millionth time, or it also could be a good test to see if they are ready for the commitment of an animal and ready to learn how to take care of something.

One final activity we suggest is reading up more and learning more about plants! We have a ton of resources on the blog for you to peruse and even a full watering guide you can check out, so you know you are taking care of your plant properly and keep them happy and thriving. Be the best plant parent you can be by growing your knowledge because there is always more to learn about plants!

It is time we start taking our health seriously mentally and physically. This is a time to check on ourselves, slow down, and take care of ourselves and the people around us. There are a variety of ways to do that and some of them can even be enjoyable. Like filling your home and decorating with PLANTZ!





What Plant is for you Based on One Character Trait

Are you wondering what plant is your best fit based off of your best personality traits? We want to pair you with your perfect plant, so we have created a little plant game for you!

Pick the trait that most resembles you below and we will tell you which plant we think would be your very best plant buddy to have during this crazy quarantine time of COVD-19! After you take the quiz check out more fun games and articles on our social media and website!


The Janet Craig Limelight 

Bright in color and with unique textured leaves, The Janet Craig Limelight is the plant sure to make you feel like you need to take another one of your spontaneous adventures! If you are a thrill seeker that loves the unexpected, then the Limelight is the plant for you, especially through this suffocating time of quarantine. Stand out with bright color and uniqueness that will make any guest in your home feel like they are on an exotic adventure through a unique jungle and make you feel like you are a true globetrotter and plant connoisseur, making your home the star of the show, just like you are. It will also leave you feeling like you are in a space other than your home, making you go a little less stir crazy.

Janet Craig Limelight plants are low maintenance so you can take off on your next big adventure at any moment and not have to fear for your new plant baby’s health, since it does not require weekly or daily attention. With a sub-irrigation system implemented as well, it can water itself and sustain a little longer without you while you are on the go-go-go. Just park it by a well-lit window and it is ready to roll just like its new owner!



White Bird of Paradise 

With its dramatic leaves, and beautifully enchanting silhouette, the White Bird of Paradise is sure to charm its way right into your heart. The White Bird of Paradise is a classically known plant amongst the true #plantpeople community, but it still never seems to fail to impress even the most exotic of plant owners, a true timeless classic. You will feel like true royalty while quarantined with this beauty.

Most interior designers would say that this plant is one of their favorites for all their decorating needs and is commonly found throughout the modern household, truly driving home the charm level of this plant. Who doesn’t want to feel like they are on some distant tropical vacation with such an eccentric plant? That is exactly what vibe the White Bird of Paradise provides all of the tropical escape feels with a touch of beachy.

Can you out charm your new charming plant? If this plant charms its way into your heart you will not be disappointed and that we can assure you of!



Ficus microcarpa 

This plant is nice and classic. Just like all of the compassionate people in our lives. Compassion takes patience, kindness, and tolerance… all things you and your new Ficus microcarpa have in common!

Ficus (‘ficus’ is singular and plural)are commonly purchased plants but this version, also known as the Ficus Moclame or Ficus Daniella is a special type of Ficus. Less popular than the Ficus Lyrata aka the Fiddle Leaf Fig, but no less beautiful we promise you, it truly has a unique shape and design to its leaves and branches that you will not commonly see across the indoor house plant world, making you a true trendsetter.

We associate this plant with compassion because if you treat it with kindness and patience it can really flourish into something great! Be tolerant with this beauty though, it needs lots of light and plenty of water to sustain itself, so make sure you are showing it all the compassion you’ve got to give. The good news is, you have plenty of time on your hands to get acquainted with your new plant, so we know you will excel with the Ficus Microcarpa during this quarantine time!



Marginata Colorama

Confidence is the key to this plant’s heart, and believe us, this baby knows how to stand out! The Marginata Colorama is bright pink. Yes you heard us right, a pink plant, who knew!?!?! Bringing the color back into life during such a bleak time is just what you need.

This plant is meant for the bold individuals. Stand out amongst your plant friends and blow the indoor plant communities out of the water with your very individualistic plant choice, that just is not like any other. Adding a pop of color to your space and bringing in a unique shape will have everyone asking what kind of plant this is!

If you like to stand out, then this plant will help your home stand out just as you do in a crowd (not that we can be in crowds anymore… UGH). If you are not afraid to be the center of attention then we highly recommend the Marginata Colorama being your new plant edition, imagine the endless possibilities you could bring into your space with this true confident beauty.  A true shining star in the plant world.



 ZZ Plant

All you want is something you can depend on. As the friend in your group that is the most reliable and always there for others, you are looking for a plant that can be the greener version of you… Well look no further, let us introduce you to the ZZ Plant, also known as Zamioculas zamifolia to many.

This little guy is the most dependable it gets in the plant world. The care and maintenance for the ZZ Plant is one of the easiest we have ever seen with a houseplant! It has much less need for light and water than the average plant making it low maintenance and easy for you to care for with little worries. They are also known to last a super long time, a plant friend for life! How much more dependable can you get! Do not be the only dependable one in the room anymore, depend on your ZZ Plant that it will grow and prosper by your side through all of this crazy stay-at-home madness.




Are you a generous and gentle soul? Do you love giving and giving to all of your loved ones? Well then, the Monstera deliciosa plant is the perfect plant for you. Generously gift yourself this plant beauty that is anything but shy while generously displaying huge, beautiful, glossy leaves and a stunning green color to leave you feeling recharged and refreshed.

This plant will always be giving you more and more since it is known for its beautiful leaf growth. Feeling even MORE generous (since that’s your nature) get yourself one AND gift one to your best friend! #twinning

The Monstera is a great plant to bring a tropical vibe to your space and even has a distinct look that many will recognize. Nicknamed the Swiss Cheese Plant, there will be no mistaking your plant for another when guests come in and give you compliments.

Find your best Monstera with us at PLANTZ for a new decor piece that will be the center of attention, be generous with yourself because you deserve it.



Fiddle Leaf Fig

This plant might need a little bit more help than others, but you are helpful and compassionate enough to handle it. The Fiddle Leaf Fig takes a patient caregiver. Fiddle Leaf Figs, also known as Ficus lyrata, are one of the most popular indoor plants in the industry hands down right now. As long as you are willing to give it plenty of attention you will really see this guy survive and thrive!

This plant is another popular one used commonly by interior designers in modern home design, so you are sure to be the envy of all of your friends – and the Pinterest community – if you choose this plant to be your new living room BFF!

As one of the most searched plants on the internet, no one will be able to resist envying you and you can be the helpful person you are and provide all of your other plant friends with tips and tricks on Fiddle Leaf Fig care after having this guy for a couple of months. Give this beauty lots of sunlight and plenty to drink and you have a Pinterest worthy, award winning plant for life.




This is one of our newer selections and it is coming in hot to spice up your plant world. This spicy number is the easiest care you will ever experience, we like to compare it to the equivalent of a pet rock. The Sanseverira, commonly referred to as the Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law Tongue plant is a unique plant to look at. With its very unique leaves, it will add spice to any room.  

The other great thing about the Snake Plant is that it ranks very high on NASA’s list of plants that filter out air pollutants. A great plant to have while you are #boredinthehouse during quarantine!

Some things to know, since this plant originates from Africa and southeast Asia, it thrives in drier conditions especially dry soil. Only water this beauty once a month and you will see it become bright and happy. We have two different sizes available for all of your Sandeverira needs along with a few different varieties in characteristics! Check out more and get in touch with us on any Snake Plant questions you might have!



Versatile in style, color, and shape, we have the Aglaonema! This plant is meant for the independent person, because the Ag (for short) is extremely easy to take care of and it can even go weeks without you paying attention to it like you would the more common Fiddle Leaf Fig. 

It will independently live its life while coexisting with you, a true dream! That and the possibilities for your Ag are endless with the numerous variations you can find, from Silver Bay to Mary Ann. It hardly relies on you if you park it in a nice sunny spot and just water it occasionally when it needs it.

The Aglaonema is known for a long lifespan, so it is perfect if you are always on the go and afraid of having to provide for a tentative plant, a true independent. Aglaonemas can fit in a variety of spaces ranging from the living room, kitchen, or bedroom, you do not have to limit your Ag to one spot! Checkout our Aglaonema varieties to find your perfect independent fit, just like you!



Rhapis Palm

Rhapis Palm, lots of leaves, multiple stems, PLENTY to pay attention to for the meticulous eye. This is a plant with depth. If you are a person that pays attention to detail then the Rhapis Palm will not disappoint, AND you will be the perfect person to give it all of the good care it needs.

As a meticulous person you deserve elegance but also uniqueness, and the Rhapis Palm surely delivers just that to any interior design look you are trying to achieve.

The Rhapis is a slow grower as well, taking years sometimes to reach full mature size, so it is important to have some patience too if you are going to take on this plant. The perks are that it can handle some lower lights and filtered light levels.

We cannot wait to see how you style your Rhapis Palm with great attention to detail and your meticulous eye.



Bamboo Palm 

With a soft touch and deep green leaves this plant you have to observe the behavior of carefully. The Bamboo Palm can take lower levels of light but might need moderate to high levels of light for it to really thrive in its new home!

This is a great plant because it actually aids in eliminating air pollutants (something we could all use in our homes right now) and will keep your space feeling healthy and fresh throughout all of the chaos!

You will feel so at peace as you observe your Bamboo Palm every morning and sip your coffee, we can feel the peaceful energy now! You cannot go wrong with this purchase, so find your inner Zen with the Bamboo Palm.



Parlor Palm

The Parlor Palm is the original houseplant, and it has continued to sustain the times. The Parlor Palm, also known as the Neathabella Palm or Chamadeorea elegans, can handle the low light conditions making it one tough cookie and a plant force to be reckoned with. This plant is a shorter and more full extension of the Bamboo Palm so you might find some similar characteristics between the two.

This plant comes from southern Mexico and Guatemala, so used to the shaded conditions of the rainforest it can handle that lower and indirect light exposure better than most houseplants. The Parlor Palm is also rated one of NASAs top 50 indoor plants that can clean and purify the air! Fighting off toxins left and right with its toughness.

If you are looking for a plant as tough as you are, then the Parlor Palm is definitely your plant. Sustain the madness of 2020 with your Parlor Palm, we know you two can take on anything.


There ya have it! Your best plant picks based on your selected personality characteristic! Check your plant match out on our site and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and ask our plant care specialists, they will be with you in no time! For more information on your plant match you can also refer to our plant care guides on the blog!


* Some tips to note once you have been happily plant matched…


  • Every plant has a different tolerance for light and care regimen. It would be in your best interest to read over our care guides on our blogs, get in touch with us if you have any questions or need clarity, and do your own research.
  • You will also be able to select a planter for your new plant, whether it is one you have at home or one you get off of your site. This is another opportunity to spice your plant up and make it more individualistic.
  • We highly suggest investing in some nutrients as well, your plant will not need any for the first six months after we have delivered your new plant friend to you, but after that it will require some for continued growth. Look into some of the selections we have on our site and stay on top of your plant’s nutrients.
  • Submit your plant photos to us for a chance to be featured on our social media!


Happy shopping! PLANTZ