Valentine’s Day Plant Picks

Bringing you our top Valentine’s Day plant picks and some helpful plant tips as well! Ditch the cliché flowers and go for a gift that can last, with PLANTZ!


No Light No Problem 

Does your apartment or home lack windows and natural light but you still love filling the space with plants? Are you struggling to be a good plant parent? We know how you and your plants feel! Forget trying to revive all of your old, dying plants and make smarter plant purchases from the get-go to avoid these problems in the future. Sometimes it is not you, it is truly the environment’s fault; so, do not blame yourself, let us help you find the solution.

Some plants do far better than others without sunlight and we are here to tell you a few that do so you don’t have to worry or stress any longer and find your perfect plant buddy.

The Aglaonema and the ZZ Plant are some of the best houseplants because they do not require as much sunlight as the other indoor plants you may encounter. The Ag should not receive too much direct sunlight because its leaves can actually turn yellow extremely fast causing a plant like version of a sunburn. ZZ Plants are very popular for indoor spaces with no windows because they can thrive in bright fluorescent lights instead of authentic sunlight. They do not like direct sunshine as the sun can cause dried-out leaves as well. These are great options and our top picks for windowless rooms, apartments, and dorm rooms.



Pretty in Pink 

It is pink and it sure is pretty. How often do you see a pink plant? I mean that is pretty awesome! Checkout our Marginata Colorama and its jaw dropping beauty. Little did you know that this plant is one of the most sought-after houseplants and will bring in some color into any type of space. This plant requires medium to indirect sunlight and it is comfortable in room temperatures between 65-80 degrees, so that is something to keep in mind when looking into this plant.

In order to keep the plant pretty and bright it is imperative to water it the proper way. Make sure to water it well and allow the top half of the soil to dry before watering again. You might also want to invest in a Soil Sleuth to properly check below the soil surface for moisture.

Watering tip 101: Brown tips on the leaves indicate overwatering and yellow leaves indicate that the plant is in need of a good watering. In addition to the Marginata Colorama watering requirements it does have some plant food requirements as well. The Marginata Colorama likes to be fed every two weeks in the Spring and Summer, whereas it is not necessary to feed it in the Winter months when the plant growth is extremely slow, almost like a form of plant hibernation.

Pink is one of the signifying colors of Valentine’s Day so what better plant to gift or get for yourself! Love yourself this Valentine’s Day and treat yourself to a pretty pink plant to last long after Valentine’s Day has ended. Or use this as a unique Valentine’s Day gift option for someone else.

Looking for Better Sleep? 

The Areca Palm also known as the “Tropical Air Cleaner” is one of the most efficient plants for purifying the air. It has the ability to remove harmful toxins from the air, preventing any air-pollution related diseases while you are sound asleep! The Areca Palm is a large plant with a high transpiration rate which allows it to respire more oxygen. This plant releases moisture into the air and makes it much easier to breathe while you are nodding off to sleep. Get this buddy for the Love Day, if your loved one suffers from sleep apnea or worries about air toxins!

That’s a stretch, but oh well.


One for the Pet Lover

Love your pets, but love your plants too? You do not have to compromise between the two, turns out you can be the best pet and plant parent out there all in one with the Kentia Palm. Kentia Palms are non-toxic to cats and dogs and it looks similar to the Areca Palm but it is actually slightly bigger. The Areca Palm is also non-toxic if you are looking for the Palm plant of your dreams but want a little bit of a smaller version. It is a Valentine’s Day gift to yourself AND a gift for your pets! Happy Love Day to all the cats and dogs out there.


Houseplant Routine:

 So you have your Valentine’s Day plant… Now what? You have to care for it properly!


What do you need to be doing daily for your new plant lover? 

Sunlight: Open the blinds before leaving for your day, let that baby bathe in some sunshine.

Water: Make a plant care notebook to track and schedule when you need to water, you can even get all of your plants on the same schedule and have one big watering day!

Prune: Take some gardening shears to trim off dead bits around your plant.

Shake and Rotate: It is important to give the stem of your plant a good wiggle every few days or at least once a week. This is especially important if you have a Fiddle Leaf Fig. If the plant looks to be bending towards the sun make sure to rotate the plant once a week, so sides do not become uneven, we don’t play side favorites here!


*This is all dependent on the type of plant you purchase, you can refer to our site and plant care guides to get a better understanding of what your plant needs. 


What should you be doing monthly with your new plant? 

Dust: Wipe the plant leaves with a damp sponge with soap and water to keep it clean and fresh. This also prevents bacteria and disease.

Fertilize: Drop a small amount of indoor plant fertilizer in a watering can. Repeat this for a month or two during the springtime.

Repot: If they are outgrowing their pots, grab them a new one so they are comfy!


*This is all dependent on the type of plant you purchase, you can refer to our site and plant guides to get a better understanding of what your plant needs. 


Plant Accessories

Treat your plant! Your plant deserves to accessorize a little bit and show off its individuality. It is time to talk about plant decor, because your plant deserves to feel as stylish as its owner!

Wood Plant Stands. Take a look at our shop section to see some of our unique plant stands, but if none of those quite do it for you, you can design your own!

Total Cost: $7 – $15

Time Needed: 20 – 30 minutes

Supplies Needed:

  • 1 ¼ inches in thickness dowel
  • 3 by 3 Metal T Plate
  • Flat head screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Longer and shorter screws
  • Sandpaper
  • Marker
  • 1×3 or yard stick
  • Wood slice

Tools Needed:

  • Drill
  • Miter saw

Step 1: Remove the bark from your wood slice. Use a flat head screwdriver and a hammer to chip away rough edges. Lightly sand the edges and top.

Step 2: How to cut your dowels to size. For straight legs you need to mark and cut.

Step 3: Attaching your T Plate to the Legs

Once you have your dowel cut to size you should see a slight angle when holding the legs a certain way. Find the highest point  of the angle and mark it with a marker. Then pre-drill a hole in the dowel. Following this, attach the T plate onto the dowel.

Step 4: Attaching the legs to your plant stand

Once you have attached T plates to all the legs lay them onto your wood slice. Make sure the little marks you made earlier are facing in towards each other. Use a marker to mark where you want the legs before attaching them. As far as attaching the legs go make sure they are close to the edge of the wood in a triangle shape. Then pre-drill the holes before attaching T plates with screws.


Planters and Pots

What about planters and pots? You do not have to go with the traditional ceramic pots that we so often see. Why not try out something more authentic and unique. We have some awesome wicker baskets and cylinder pots that come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Try a woven basket! Here at PLANTZ we have them in a variety of patterns and colors that will give you the boho chic look that can really tie a room together.

The bohemian design not your style? That is totally okay! Try out one of our clay bottom planters for a modern feel but still remaining classic and neutral in color.

Bugs on Houseplants

Here are some non-chemical ways you can control pests and diseases on your brand new Valentine’s Day plant purchase.

You can…

  • Mist your plants with clean water where there is a risk of red spider mites, to keep them at bay.
  • Regularly remove the dead leaves and flowers from your plant.
  • Use insecticidal soaps, which are ideal against a wide range of insects and very safe for your plants.
  • Investigate biological controls which means using other insects to control pests.


Prevention tips: 

  • Inspect the plant before you purchase it or after your order comes in, make sure there are not any suspicious insects looming around.
  • Avoid leaving dead flowers and leaves around plants once they have fallen off. This is a place for disease and bugs to fester.
  • Check root balls for soil pests.
  • Do not use garden soil instead of potting compost for an indoor plant. Indoor plants operate differently than your average garden plant and should be treated differently.


Pests to watch out for: 

  • Aphids – Green sap-sucking insects that excrete honeydew, which attracts ants and encourages the presence of a fungal disease called sooty mold.
  • Mealy bugs – The main pest of houseplants. White lice-like creatures that suck sap causing distortion and yellowing of leaves.
  • Red Spider Mites – They suck leaves causing mottling.
  • Thrips – fly-like insects that jump from plant to plant. They pierce leaves and flowers.


All of these are things you can keep an eye out for and watch to take preventative measures with your new plant purchase.


…and without further ado, our top PLANTZ pick for Valentine’s Day


The Lisa Cane

The Lisa Cane conveys elegance and it’s one of the best performers in low-light spaces. Hey good news Lisa’s pretty easy to keep clean and does not drink tons of water either. The Lisa Cane does great in indoor spaces and thrives when they are fertilized in the Spring and throughout the Fall, so it is the perfect time to purchase one in preparation for the upcoming Springtime!

Back to our roots:

The Dracaena Lisa Cane is native to southeast Africa and has dark glossy leaves that come out of its slim trunk. With this being said, it is a plant with narrow growth, so it is great for the corner spaces in your home! Dracaena is a genus of forty species of subtropical, evergreen, and woody plants. The Dracaena Lisa Cane is sometimes mistaken as a palm; however they are more closely associated with lilies. The name Dracaena is derived from the Greek work “drakaina” which is a female dragon. The link between plant and beast is the red gum that produces from when the stem is cut. With this red gum thickens it resembles dragons’ blood (hence its name).

When should I be feeding my Lisa Cane? 

It is important to fertilize it once a month and you do not need to fertilize your plant within the first 12 months of receiving it. During this time it will use the residual nutrients that were added from nursery production. Then, after 12 months your Lisa Cane should be fed quarterly with a complete fertilizer.

The Lisa Cane will not bug you:

Ain’t nobody likes or has time for the creepy crawlers, especially the Lisa. The Lisa is not a big target for pests woohoo! Mealybugs will be the main pest, and sometimes scale affects the plants. These two things can be easily maintained as you just need to wipe down the infested area with a soapy solution. It can sometimes take numerous cleanings to free the plant completely of the pests, but just remember to stay on it because it will pay off in the end.

Proper Watering and Hydration for Lisa:

The Lisa Cane is cultivated in Hawaii and is grown in lava rock characterizing it with very forgiving watering requirements. The Lisa Cane can go up to a whole month and sometimes even a few months between waterings. The Dracaena favor their soil to be dry in between waterings, but the soil does not have to be dry all throughout the pot.

Less time, less pruning: 

Less work for you! Your lovely low-maintenance Lisa does not need to be pruned unless your plant is not meeting the dimensions of its intended space like lighting and watering and so forth and so on. However, older leaves may start to yellow, and those leaves may be pruned or gently torn off. Then, bringing us to the brown leaves. These may be trimmed off to the contour part of the leaf.

Maintenance Tips: 

Blooms: They occasionally appear on Dracaena. The blooms should always be cut away in interior conditions since they exhaust the plant’s vitality.

Avoid Asymmetric growth: Make sure you rotate your plant to avoid leaning. If the cane does start to lean, it can be pushed back into its upright position and soil can be packed on the side to stabilize it but do so gently.

Brown spots: These spots are common especially in the beginning of its growth period. Some reasons for this are overgrowth and mineral burn. Also, the roots of this plant can sometimes grow outside the bottom of the pot. If they do they should be cut back. It is also beneficial to water the plant with low mineral content water, as high mineral content water builds up over time and ends up burning the plant leading to a shorter plant lifetime.

Yellow spots: Overwatering is the number one cause for yellow leaves. These leaves essentially lose their semi-rigid bearing and begin to look limp. They will start to droop downwards in the process of turning yellow.

Trust me you will love the Lisa, she will be very easy to keep healthy, does not require a ton of light, and will look gorgeous in your living room, kitchen or bedroom which will leave you happily unbothered and quite in love!


We hope these plant suggestions and tips made you smile this Valentine’s Day, now we want you to go share some love! XOXO

Valentine's Day Gifts


Top 5 Best Places to Keep Plants in Your Home

You got a new house plant… so what now? Let’s pick where it is going to go because believe us, it matters! There are a number of places your new house plant could reside, but very few people realize how easy it is to pick the WRONG place for your new plant buddy. Here are our top 5 picks on places to keep your plant and the different factors to consider when you are finding that perfect new home for the plant of your dreams.

1. Keep it “Natural”

It is very important to do some research on the plant or plants you are bringing into your home, and here are some of the reasons you need to take this into consideration… The best chance of survival and a long lifetime for your plant is to best mimic the natural environment of where the plant came from. Plants that require a lot of sunlight should be placed near windows where natural light can be found, whereas plants that prefer a darker environment might not need to be placed in the direct sunlight of a window. Plants come from so many differing environments that each plant type will need a different form of care. Where your house plant can come from can vary from tropical and well-lit all the way to a more shaded environment requiring less light than that of another plant. It is important to emulate as close as possible the living environment of where your plant originates if you really want to see it thrive, grow, and survive. Try our Areca Palm out in the window of your living room!

2. Seasonal Change Up

Light does not in any way mean warmth, and both are important for your plant’s prosperity, they are not mutually exclusive. Light quality is not always the same throughout the day either, and it is changing constantly. Light shifts throughout the day in a room so take that into account when picking a spot for your plant and where it will receive the proper amount of light for the longest time span. Also remember to move your plants around as the seasons change. When you are in a cooler fall or winter month make sure your plant is receiving more light than it usually would in the summer or spring months to help it generate heat that is not as present during those chilly seasons. This goes the same for plants that require low light, do not leave them in extremely lit environments, this could cause a problem for a plant that is not used to extreme light exposure. Research on the plant’s original location and your own location will help you in making this decision. A great choice for any season is our Parlor Palm.

3. “Living” With Plants

The living room is a great space to keep your plant for a multitude of reasons. A) You spend a lot of your time at home in the living room, this increases your chances of seeing the plant regularly and remembering to care for it properly. Watering the plant, moving it around every now and then, and any other needs the plant may have are more likely to be remembered if you are actively seeing it every day. B) There is usually a decent amount of natural light within living rooms which most indoor plants require, compared to a room with few windows and that is lacking light, such as a basement or office space. C) You will be able to admire and appreciate it more when you are seeing it all the time and isn’t that why you bought your plant in the first place! The perfect living room plant… Our Janet Craig.

4. It’s All in The Kitchen

Kitchens can be more than just a place to cook, spice it up by decorating it tastefully with your new plants. A kitchen usually is a higher temperature room and can contain a bit more humidity. This is something people do not normally account for and plants can really thrive off. When in environments such as these your plant can create a livelier cooking space and even be a great showstopper for guests to appreciate when you have them over for a nice dinner. Want a show stopping kitchen plant? Why don’t you try our White Bird of Paradise for all those tropical vibes in the kitchen.

5. A Plant in The Bathroom?!

Bathrooms are not off-limits folks! Plants so often emulate strong feeling of cleanliness, peace, and freshness. Who would not want to feel that way in the bathroom? Pick plants for this space that require less light than the average indoor house plant and are prone to thriving in humid climates, since this is probably the most humid portion of your home. It is also a good idea to occasionally move these plants to a balcony or windowsill to get some limited direct light every once in a while, if it does not currently get any light. Try out our Aglaonema since it requires only low light, making it the perfect bathroom addition.

So, let’s review. The room your plant is in matters. The location within the room also makes a difference for your plant. Bathrooms are not off limits, and neither are kitchens, even though they are not always the first choice or most popular. That being said, nothing is wrong with the tried and true bedroom and living room placement as well. Take into account the seasons. Light is not the only factor in plant survival but also heat is an imperative factor. Warmth can be essential to some plants, so during the winter even if a plant is receiving the same amount of sunlight it does in the summer, it does not mean it is getting enough warmth think about that and from there figure out how to correct this problem as winter approaches. Emulate the plants original living environment. Just because you do not live in a similar environment or climate as some of your more exotic and beautiful plants DOES NOT mean you can’t rock them in your home, they may just take a little extra care. Learn the proper way to care for your plants and you will have an investment in your home that will make you feel at ease and one with your natural environment.
Next to come… Best places to put your office plants, because your office needs some plant love too!

Your Best Indoor Plant Picks

In the market for a plant but have some questions first… well you have come to the right place! Are you wondering which plant is the best investment for all of your indoor plant needs? Do you worry that you will not have the time or remember to take care of a plant? Do you fear that your home or workspace may not have enough sunshine that is so often required for a large plant? Well look no further, because we are going to tell you some of the top picks for your most low maintenance and most survivable indoor plants.

1. The Janet Craig Plant

This plant is one of the most widely utilized plants cultivated for indoor use across the board. The Janet Craig Plant is known to thrive in indoor spaces with minimal care, which has our customers jumping for joy at this low maintenance beauty! This plant originates from regions in Africa, and it surprisingly needs very minimal light despite where it comes from. Along with its voluptuous look, The Janet Craig Plant serves a great purpose as well, it is known for its properties that improve air quality around the home as well. This plant not only has air quality benefits and minimal light requirements, but it displays a bright green color that really pops in any room creating the interior design of your dreams! This plant will make any room you place it in livelier and more colorful all while not causing too much hassle. Bring this beauty into any room corner in your home to add that extra oomph to your space without a second thought.

2. Bamboo Palm

We offer our Bamboo Palm to those of you who are looking to bring in some good vibes and vibrant color into your home. The Bamboo Palm, although it slightly resembling a classic Bamboo plant it is not the same type of plant. This Palm comes from the Chamaedorea family and has stems resembling the Bamboo plant but has soft green leaves that really add to the ambiance of any room you walk into. This Palm can handle lower levels of light but really thrives under moderate to high levels of light. The Bamboo Palm is s great plant for the workplace or within a home office. The Bamboo Palm promotes healthy living and success with such a strong plant, that is known for being best at filtering out indoor air pollutants within an environment and leaving a clean and happy space for you to spend your time in. The Bamboo Palm plant require minimal care and minimal light, but it is highly recommended that you invest good care in your Bamboo Palm plant to create a beneficial aura within your living environment.

3. Genus Aglaonema

This unique plant ranges in size, shape and color! You never know what you are getting with this unique plant. The Genus Aglaonema originating from Asia, is a very easy plant to take care of for those with busy lives and minimal time to take care of a plant fulltime. This plant can go weeks between watering’s, and it can sustain itself for very long periods of time, surviving off of only indoor lighting! This plant is most certainly for you if you feel you have trouble maintaining your plant life but want a little extra green around the house. If you keep this beauty close to a window, this plant might just out live you with hardly any extra work behind it on your part!

4. The Neathabella Palm or Chamaedorea Elegans

Nicknamed the “Parlor Palm” this plant is the cousin of our classic Bamboo Palm with just some slight variations. That being said, they are very similar in their care needs and how they are a benefit to your home or work environment. This plant that comes from the thick rain forests of Mexico and Guatemala, is actually one of the first plants to be used inside homes and workspaces as well. This plant does exceptionally well in low light and really does not require any more light than indirect sunlight or indoor lighting. This plant, like Bamboo, is also great for air quality improvement in smaller spaces and brings the environment down to earth and more centered. Look to this plant if you feel like you need something not only low maintenance but a true staple in the indoor plant community. A classic look for a classic plant owner.

5. The ZZ Plant

The Zamioculas Zamiifolia or the “ZZ Plant” is one of the eazzziest plants you will have to take care of. It is so easy that many people use this plant in apartments and college dorms (we all know how poor the lighting can be in those and how irregularly they are watered). This plant requires little water and very little light making it one of the most manageable plants to have in your living environment. This plant is great for someone who does not have too much time to dedicate attention to a plant. Many think it is best to only water this plant every two months! How crazy is that?! The ultimate low maintenance plant for someone just starting out on their plant journey!

All of these plants are great options for low maintenance and hassle-free indoor plants, while also creating the vision of your interior design goals. Things that make these plants beneficial for the person with a not so green of a thumb, are very little light is required, not a lot of watering needs to be done, and better air quality for small spaces. These low maintenance plants will be the perfect edition to your home or workplace without such a high risk of killing your investment. You can find all of these plants on our website with a variety of sizes, shapes and accessories. We cannot wait for you to join our Plantz Fam!

Quality is Key When you Buy an Indoor Plant

You get what you pay for is only a cliché because, more often than not, it’s true. And it’s certainly true when it comes to plants. Ask anyone who buys plants regularly and you will hear a familiar refrain: it costs a little green to get the right green. For plants destined for indoor spaces, keeping them green can be a challenge; but starting with the right plant makes it a lot easier.

We know that indoor plants are not only aesthetically pleasing, they can reduce stress and anxiety and improve air quality.  So, how do you spot quality and avoid coming home to a shriveled zombie husk, alive but just barely? There are several simple tips you can follow to make sure you are buying a quality indoor plant:

  1. Overall Impression: Take a walk around the nursery. Do the plants appear well cared for? Are there brown or wilted plants? If they owners are not taking care of some plants it’s likely they are not taking care of others.
  2. Leaves & Shape: Are the leaves of the plant lush and green? Steer clear of plants with brown or yellowing leaves or if the edge of the leaves are brown and dry. Is the plant full and healthy? A tall plant may not mean a healthy plant; it may have grown taller because it was straining for light.
  3. Disease & Insects: Check the plant – both sides of the leaves – for disease. Holes, spots and black areas on the leaves may mean an unhealthy plant. Examine the potting soil for insects, these little buggers can quickly spread to other plants.

Picking a quality Ficus Lyrata aka Fiddle Leaf Fig

This magnificent plant can fill a room with its majestic leaves and commanding height.

Make sure to check for discoloration or dots on leaves and buy from a quality vendor with a reputation for quality.

A plant with insects can also quickly spread like wildfire if you have other plants in the home, felling not only your Ficus Lyrata but any leafy friends in the vicinity.

After shipping hundreds of these beauties, we suggest you have a bright, sunny spot for this plant, preferably a covered or shaded patio or window facing east, west or, for the best results, south. Learn more about this popular plant here.

Check the roots on your Bird of Paradise

This is good advice for any indoor plant, but the root system should look strong and healthy with white tips. Lifting the plant and separating it from the grow pot should reveal a dense mix of soil and root. The soil should be held together by the roots but shouldn’t overwhelm the soil.

You need never worry about this with our plants. They are carefully examined before they ship, many with a sub-irrigation system that means you never need to remove the plant from its pot. Want to learn more about this majestic plant? Click here.

Check your Kentia Palm for weeds before buying

This is another tip that could apply to any purchase and it’s really a no-brainer.

Weeds are draining valuable nutrients form the soil, stealing those from your plant. A competent nursery staff would never allow this to happen. Run, don’t walk from this nursery. They are either smoking something funny or don’t care; maybe both. Learn more about this stately plant here.

Pick the perfect Areca Palm

Highly rated as a natural air purifier, the Areca Palm is growing more popular. Check for discoloration on leaves, dry or brown leaf edges and, of course, weeds, before opening your wallet.

Click here to learn more about this beautiful and versatile plant.


We pride ourselves on quality rather than quantity at But don’t take our word for it, see what our customers have to say.

6 Amazing Benefits of Indoor Plants for Your Doctor’s Office

indoor plants in a doctor's office
Stethoscope in doctors desk




Your waiting room has a huge impact on how patients feel when they step into your office.

And while you’re satisfied with most of your waiting room and office decor now, you still feel like you’re missing something. It seems like your patients are always stressed out and your staff exhausted.

Indoor plants may be just what you need.

In this post, we’ll tell you some of the biggest mental and physical health benefits of indoor plants.

You won’t believe how much a little bit of green can improve things in your doctor’s office.

They Can Reduce Stress Levels

While most people experience at least a bit of anxiety when they have a doctor’s appointment, about 20% of the population has a more extreme phobia of going to the doctor, commonly referred to as “White Coat Syndrome” or Iatrophobia.

Nervous patients can make others uncomfortable in addition to being unhappy themselves – so it’s certainly in your best interests to keep them calm.

Waiting room plants help keep everyone relaxed. In fact, recent studies show that people who work with plants in their office experience a 37% drop in anxiety levels and a 44% drop in anger and frustration levels.

This is likely due to the calming effects of the green color of plants and the fact that they remind us of nature – as well as the fact that plants purify the air.

They Purify the Air

There are countless germs floating around us and on everyday objects.

But in a doctor’s office, keeping germs at bay and bacteria to a minimum is even more important, as the majority of people you see have some level of a compromised immune system.

Research by NASA concluded that plants are able to eliminate a whopping 87% of toxins from the air in as few as 24 hours. They manage the temperatures in your waiting room, get rid of pollutants like nitrogen dioxide and benzene, and even lower airborne dust levels.

Just make sure you properly care for your plants to keep them healthy and happy.

They’ll Keep Your Staff Focused and Productive

Nearly 44% of doctors will experience moderate to severe burnout over the course of their careers but you’re not the only one who leaves the office every day exhausted.

Your nurses and staff are tired too and it can often be tough for them to focus and be productive. When you’re making choices about care, calling insurance companies and pharmacies, and even arranging dosages, even one small mistake can be disastrous.

One of the biggest benefits of indoor plants is that they’ve actually been proven to increase not just productivity levels by at least 15% in employees, but also help to improve their focus.

This is because plants add oxygen to the air and require more natural light in the office, which improves everyone’s mood and focus.

They’ll Minimize Your Waiting Room’s Stuffiness

See lots of patients with respiratory issues? Waiting room plants help them breathe easier.

This is because the plants release moisture back into the air, which helps to balance out humidity levels in your waiting room. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air as a part of the photosynthesis process, which gets rid of allergens that can aggravate patients and staff.

In addition to helping patients with respiratory issues stay comfortable, indoor plants can also ward off dry skin, coughs, sore throats, and even colds.

Whether your office is on a busy street or if it can get a little loud in the waiting room (especially if you see pediatric patients!) controlling noise levels can be a challenge for any office.

Believe it or not, the right office plants can help reduce background noise, which makes for a much more relaxing and pleasant experience for all.

In addition to beautification, the ability of plants and trees to absorb sound is a huge reason why you see them along so many highways, and they can do the same in your doctor’s office.

Plants also help to deflect sound waves much better than walls do. For example, sound waves won’t vibrate when they hit a wall, which means that noise easily echoes throughout your office. Plant leaves, however, are much more flexible, which causes the leaves to vibrate and deflect and refract the sound, minimizing noise.

For best results, try more than one type of indoor plant, and go for larger, thicker leaves.

They’ll Improve Your Decor

Last but not least, adding indoor plants to your doctor’s office will certainly improve your waiting room’s decor.

Of course, this means that your patients will have a good impression of your practice, but it’s about much more than looks alone.

When patients are dissatisfied with their overall waiting room experience, they’re more likely to complain about long wait times or even criticize the level of care they’ve received.

And if they take those complaints online? Your office’s reputation takes a hit and you lose patients as a result.

A beautiful waiting room that keeps patients happy, comfortable, and yes, even distracted, is just a few plants away.

Ready to Get Some Indoor Plants for Your Doctor’s Office?

Now that you know a few of the biggest benefits of indoor plants, we know you’re curious about where you can go to get some seriously stunning options for your doctor’s office.

At Plantz, we’re thrilled to be able to offer you not only a stunning variety of some of the most beautiful indoor plants out there, but also elegant planters that will make them look even better.

You can quickly find something that works with the decor of your office and that’s sure to bring a smile to your staff’s and patients’ faces.

We invite you to browse through our incredible inventory today so that you can see just how much better life with indoor plants can be.


Indoor Plants: Healthier Living from A to Z!

Between working, sleeping, cleaning, driving, and relaxing, it’s estimated that Americans now only spend about 10 percent of their time on average outdoors. That number is tiny. Because of this restriction from the fresh air of the outside world, it’s becoming more and more important that the air we breathe inside is fresh and pure of toxins. Architectural design hasn’t exactly caught up with the science involved here, meaning that most ventilation systems in buildings aren’t equipped to handle the kind of circulation needed to purify the air and prevent our large swathes of inside time from being potentially harmful.

Enter the hero of our story: the humble indoor plant. The presence of indoor plants in an environment has been proven in study after study to have massive benefits, including boosting happiness, and of course, filtering out some of those harmful elements of the air. The reason that plants are able to clean the air like this is because they take in dangerous airborne toxins and chemicals and, in their place, produce oxygen. Indoor plants have also been proven to reduce stress, reduce the growth of airborne bacteria, and boost focus and concentration by helping keep a steadier, cleaner supply of oxygen available. Just about all plants can accomplish these things to some degree or another in your home, but some plants are specialists, and are great starter plants if you’re wanting to kickstart your path to a healthier, happier life with plants.

If you’ll pardon the pun, we’re going to go over two plants today, the areca palm and the ZZ plant, and how they illustrate that plants can bring you healthier living from A to Z, no matter who you are!

The Areca Palm– The areca palm, otherwise known as the Butterfly Palm, Party Palm, or the Dypsis lutescnes, can thrive inside if they’re kept in direct sunlight. It’s one of the highest rated plants in for filtering out toxins and pollutants from the air because of its high rate of transpiration. Basically, transpiration is a plant’s process of evaporating water out on the surface of its leaves in order to cool itself down and trap foreign particles inside. This, in tandem with being a more affordable plant and a relatively easy one to take care of, makes it a favorite for novice plant parents and long-time botanists alike!

The ZZ Plant– So let’s say that you’re willing to start out with something a little less about perfectly pure air and a just a little more people-proof. Well, the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, or ZZ plant for short, is probably for you! It’s often affectionately called the “EZ-ZZ”, and the reason for that is pretty straightforward: the ZZ plant is one of the downright easiest plants to keep alive for first-time plant parents. These little guys are tough! They can live just fine in both low-light and high-light areas and they don’t need nearly as much water or attention as other plants. Best of all, it may not be the best green friend you can pick up for air purifying, but the ZZ plant is still proven to make a huge difference on the quality of your indoor air!

At PLANTZ, we firmly believe that there is an indoor plant out there for every kind of person. If you want more information, be sure to contactthe PLANTZ team today to learn more about what other kinds of indoor plants you can bring to brighten up your home and your life! If you would like to look around yourself and see what your options are, and maybe have one or two shipped straight to your door, don’t forget to visit our storetoday!


Plants over Pets? A Trend for the Modern World

According to a study recently done by The Economist about how today’s young people are spending their time and money, the number of households that contain indoor plants, particularly in lieu of having pets, has skyrocketed in the past decade. When you take a closer look at the kinds of lives people are living, this shift does make a lot of sense, and a ton of different factors play into it.

After all, people’s lifestyles are changing. In today’s society a higher number of people than ever are living in apartments and other types of terraced housing that have restrictions on owning certain kinds of pets. This restriction creates the need for an alternative form of home companionship besides pets, and plants fill that role perfectly. On top of this, there’s a rising attitude trend among young adults towards wanting to stay independent for longer before settling down. This drive for a more independent lifestyle often makes the comparatively low-impact world of raising plants a far more attractive option for younger people than taking a puppy or kitten under their wing.

The reason people love pets so much is because they’re our companions. They make us happy when they’re around and they help give us a sense of responsibility and purpose. For people who fall into either or both of the lifestyles, plants aren’t all that different from traditional pets, except that they offer much more individual flexibility.

The cultural shift towards becoming more eco-conscious and pushing to go green means that people have been trying hard to reduce their damage to the environment and to help rebuild it in any way they can. Fostering plant growth is a great way to get started fighting back in this way. This compounds nicely with rising awareness of the benefits to health and happinessthat having plants around affords. Whereas traditional pets breathe out carbon dioxide like we do, plants take that stuff in, along with a ton of harsh and unhealthy chemicals in the air, and turn it all into sweet, clean oxygen that works to heal our bodies and sharpen our minds. All of these factors mount to make the choice between a plant and a pet much more of a contest to some and a complete no-brainer for many. Indoor plantscan fill all of the same roles as pets in your daily life, filling some roles even better than pets do, and they leave much less of a footprint both on your time and on the environment. It’s no surprise that so many people have been flocking to them as an alternative to pets.

And to make plants a little more people friendly (and vice versa), PLANTZ has paired its plants with an irrigation system that greatly extends the watering interval.  It’s dubbed ‘PlantAssure’ and can be installed on any new plant ordered at or ordered separately for retrofitting plants from other sources.  With PlantAssure, the plant literally does water itself.

Put the hyperlink in somewhere –

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having both pets AND plants in your life, either. Just because you’ve got the room in your life for a pet doesn’t mean that having a plant is a bad idea. Some of our favorite stories come about when customers report that their family dog or cat has become enamored with their new plant! Take this customer, Andrea, for example. Her pups absolutely loved the Fiddle Leaf Figshe ordered from us, and she just had to report it in to us!

If you’d like to see what all the fuss is about and order a plant of your own, click through to our store here!



PLANTZ Delivers Nationwide

Tampa, Florida. PLANTZ, a Tampa-based plant sales and leasing company, has successfully delivered quality indoor foliage plants to customers in each of the lower 48 states, Alaska, and Washington, DC. With a recent shipment to a customer in Wyoming, PLANTZ hit this important milestone in its quest to become the nation’s leading online distributor of indoor foliage.

In the Tampa Bay and Lakeland, Florida markets, the company provides plant leasing, landscaping, and horticultural services to more than 400 area businesses. In 2017, it opened its nationwide storefront at to meet a growing demand for high-quality indoor plants.

“The business model was predicated on our ability to deliver a big green plant to a customer’s doorstep in Manhattan for less than the customer could buy it locally,” says Steve Stanford, president and chief green guru at PLANTZ. “Back in 2017, we figured it out and, to date, we’ve shipped 299 big plants in big boxes to customers in New York alone. So, that’s nearly 300 palm trees and unique tropical plants kicking out oxygen in homes and offices for our friends up north in New York.”

Trends are in the company’s favor. With most Americans spending more time inside than outside, bringing life to the interior environment is in vogue. Green plants pump oxygen in to the air, while filtering out airborne pollutants and volatile organic compounds. They can change the mood in a room, making people feel safer and more content. In offices, plants have been proven to reduce stress, improve productivity, and even reduce absenteeism. Aside from all that, they look nice and make people happy.

One of the keys to the success of PLANTZ has been its partnership with FedEx. “It’s obvious that our success depends on solid packaging techniques and our ability to land a plant on someone’s doorstep thousands of miles away,” said John Crandall, the manager at PLANTZ who is responsible for getting the plant safely to a customer. “We have experimented with several packaging methods and worked through some good ideas and some not-so-good ones,” continued John, “but once we put it on a FedEx truck, it’s up to them to get it to the customer in great shape.” And they have delivered. Since PLANTZ began its nationwide sales efforts, FedEX has delivered over 3,000 orders of plants and their supplies throughout the United States including a Giganta Plant to Juneau, Alaska – the company’s longest shipment yet.

There are headwinds for the company moving forward, especially since Amazon has expanded its plant selection.

“The Amazon marketplace is amazing,” admits Stanford. “Most of our customers do require some post-sale coaching, and that’s where we excel. Not only do we source the best Florida- and Hawaiian-grown plants and help customers figure out which one will be best for them, but we also give customers the tools, advice, and frankly, the confidence to keep it alive and kicking. We didn’t feel like we could provide that level of customer support through Amazon, so we developed a buying experience on our site that feels like Amazon. Heck, we even use Amazon to take payments – we’re just not going to sell on their platform.”

Stanford’s contention might be proved out in the ratings and reviews it gets from its customers. Currently, it has 5-Star ratings for all its plants except two, which have 4.5-Star ratings.

“Customer reviews and comments are golden,” says Steve. “Our team is on it, and it shows in the post-sale comments customers leave on our site.” There have been setbacks. “Have we had a frozen Kentia Palm delivered in Minneapolis? Yes. Have we had a Fiddle Leaf Fig toppled in Texas? Yes. But a very high percentage of our plants are making it safely to their destinations. And if they don’t, we make it right with a replacement plant. I’m not sure if we’re lucky or good, but we’re just happy those funky deliveries are few and far between.”

The company hopes to double its online sales in 2019 by adding new plants, products, and supplies to its offering. So far, it’s off to a good start with both January and February sales outpacing last year.

“We’ll continue to source the best plants from Florida and Hawaii in support of our mission – to make people happy with plants,” Stanford added.



The Ultimate History of the Ficus Lyrata

Haven’t you heard the latest plant news?

The Ficus lyrata is having a moment in the spotlight. You might know the Ficus lyrata better by its other name – the fiddle leaf fig plant.

The plant is the must-have plant of every plant lover’s home. If you don’t already have one, you must be reading the wrong fashion mags and interior design blogs.

The fiddle leaf has featured in the New York Times and the House Beautiful magazine.

Everyone’s talking about the fiddle leaf fig plant. And yet, people know surprisingly little about this trendy fig tree. That’s why we thought we’d take this opportunity to shed some light on the plant.

For our ultimate history fo the Ficus lyrata, keep reading below!

1. The Root of the Matter

The story of the fiddle leaf fig plant starts along the West African coast. It’s been growing for the millions of years in the wild of several West African countries. A native species of Sierra Leone and Cameroon, the plant flourishes in the lowland tropical rainforest.

It’s part of the Moraceae family of plants. The Moraceae family also includes the mulberry and fig tree species, along with over 1000 other plant species. Therefore, the ficus lyrata has a lot of cousins (850 to be exact!).

2. Wild Thing?

Nowadays, we associate the fiddle leaf fig with a trendy houseplant for urban apartments. But behind the fashionista appearance lies a dark past in the wild.

The Ficus lyrata is what is known as a banyan fig tree (Ficus subgenus Urostigima). Instead of growing by itself, it grows from the top of the crown of another tree. Talk about invading personal space.

The seeds of the fiddle leaf fig tree land as right at the top of another tree competing for sunlight in the rainforest. By picking a spot so high up, the fiddle leaf fig tree gains access to high levels of sunlight.

After this, as the seed of the plant germinates, the roots of the fiddle leaf fig begin to wrap around the trunk of the other tree. This kind of plant is known as an epiphyte.

Then, over time the host tree is strangled by the roots of the fiddle leaf fig tree. Who said nature wasn’t violent?

But its growth of the fiddle leaf fig plant can also be peaceful. It doesn’t have to grow like this, but it’s also possible to grow free-standing. But in the competitive environment of the rainforest, it’s a plant-eat-plant world.

3. Why it’s the Fiddle?

Have you ever wondered why the Ficus lyrata is called the fiddle leaf fig plant? It’s obvious really. The plant gets its name from the violin-like shaped leaves that remind you of a fiddle.

The leaves can grow to be huge too. They measure up to 12 inches wide. And an impressive 30 inches in length.

Anyone who has a fiddle leaf fig plant in your living room will know the thickness of the leaves. Those large and leathery leaves have a distinctive dark green appearance.

As for the tree as a whole, there are numerous examples of the tree growing as tall as 60 feet high. To put that in perspective, 60 feet is approximately the entire length of a bowling lane standing upwards.

And right at the top, you’ll find the bright green fruit of the fig tree.

4. From Zero to Hero

But how do the fiddle leaf fig rise to become one of the most popular houseplants around?

According to one theory, the popularity of the fiddle leaf fig coincided with the launch of the social media platform, Pinterest in 2010.

Pinterest has become the go-to place for beautiful home design. And the fiddle leaf fig tree represents a beautiful photographing opportunity.

Nowadays, Pinterest has over 200 million regular monthly users. That’s thousands and thousands of people posting, sharing and looking at pictures of the ficus lyrata.

5. Jumping on the Bandwagon

Retailers spot a market for the fiddle leaf fig plant. Most notably, the Swedish furniture store, IKEA started stocking the plant in 2013.

While the IKEA version was only small. For a bargain at $13.99, you could have your very own fiddle leaf fig tree.

Since then, the price of fiddle leaf figs has shot up. You can now pay up to $100 for a larger tree.

It’s not easy to transport the larger versions of the plant. Which is why an increasing number of retailers are delivering the fiddle leaf figs to doorsteps.

6. No Longer Playing Second Fiddle

Every era has a houseplant that’s making waves. As we already established, the fiddle leaf fig tree wasn’t popular until the 21st century.

The African violet was certainly the houseplant of homes in the 1950s and 60s. By the 1970s, spider plants were spreading across the country. And, who doesn’t remember your mother’s ficus in the 1980s and 90s?

The award-winning TV show Mad Men, which told the story of the 1960s through the marketing, has gained a reputation for incredible accuracy in every respect.

None more so, when it comes with its depiction of houseplants. You’ll see monsteras, pothos and parlor palms, but you won’t spot a Ficus lyrata.

You can’t turn on your TV without seeing fiddle leaf fig plants on your screen.

Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration. But the plant has definitely received plenty of attention of late. It even featured on a number of Super Bowl commercials.

7. A Moment in the Sun

The history of Ficus lyrata goes back millions of years. But it’s moment in the sun has only just arrived.

It’s not hard to see why it’s been called the “The ‘It’ Plant of the Design World” but none other than the New York Times.

The fiddle leaf fig plant perfectly transforms a boring and dull room into a vibrant and stylish place. And yet, it nicely reflects the minimalist aesthetic by not overpowering its surroundings.

As one designer puts it, “you can plop it in a dead corner and suddenly everything comes to life”.

But for many people, the plant also evokes a science fiction or alien world with its glossy green leaves. According to the interior designer, Brad Sherman, the fiddle leaf fig plant has a “pre-historic, Dr. Seuss feel” to it.

Brad Sherman, an interior designer in New York, thinks they have a “prehistoric, Dr. Seuss feel.”

8. Growing Pains

The reason for the rise of this trendy tree is because it looks great. The popularity of the fiddle leaf fig tree is down to designers rather than gardeners. Therefore, the challenges of growing the fig plant are largely overlooked.

And yet, the fiddle leaf fig plant is notoriously really difficult to grow and maintain. Many plant lovers have discovered that the fiddle leaf fig plant dies in only a matter of weeks.

While many people have claimed that the plant is especially delicate and fragile. Sometimes, just moving it from one side of the room to the other can cause it damage.

As one fiddle leaf fig plant owner puts it, “they’re very emotional plants”.

This explains why the Gardenista blogger, Michelle Slatalla has referred to the fiddle leaf fig plant as “the houseplant equivalent of a newborn”.

That partly explains why there are probably more pictures on Instagram and Pinterest of the plant than there are actual fiddle leaf figs in people’s homes. People are scared of the challenge.

And yet, this might be exactly what attracts some people to the plant. As Slatalla adds, “people tend to anthropomorphize this plant in ways they don’t with others”.

As with any other trend and craze, millennials are usually the demographic group driving it. It’s the same with the ficus lyrata.

We’re also told that millennials are not having kids. Maybe the younger generations are fulfilling the need to care for someone else by buying a fiddle leaf fig plant.

9. How to Keep it Alive?

The fiddle leaf fig plant is a challenge for even the most experienced and committed gardeners.

The most effective way of making a success of your fiddle leaf fig tree is by replicating the conditions in which it’s familiar. Yes, the lowland rainforest of West Africa.

Only, most people’s apartments and houses represent starkly different conditions to this. The fiddle leaf fig may flourish in the dark, warm and wet, but modern-day human beings certainly don’t.

But you don’t have to give up. Many people have sought out tips and tricks to keep it strong and healthy.

A landscape designer in New Jersey, Hadley Peterson has a fiddle leaf fig tree that’s growing strong after more than 10 years.

She claims it’s all about the atmosphere and air. She says, “I keep my house at 68 degrees”. But the fiddle leaf fig plant also needs lots of sunlight to stay healthy.

Even though the fiddle leaf fig might be difficult to maintain for much more than a year. If it lasts up to a year, it’s a relatively affordable way of keeping your home bright and green.

10. Avoid Killing Your Fiddle Leaf Friend

There’s no easy solution to making sure your fiddle leaf friend lives a long and healthy life in your living room. But there are certain mistakes you need to make sure you avoid.

1. Watering the Fiddle Leaf

It’s difficult to balance to achieve. Both overwatering and underwatering the fiddle leaf fig tree can cause damage.

You have to replicate the rainforest conditions, in which the fiddle leaf fig gets plenty of water.

But the best way to do this is to concentrate on ensuring the soil is always moist without soaking the soil in water. You can even place the fiddle leaf fig in draining pot.

If you notice the top layer of the soil is becoming dry, it’s time to water. Keep watering until the water flows out of the bottom. When it gets dry again, repeat.

2. The Right Amount of Sunlight

What makes the fiddle leaf fig plant an ideal houseplant is that the natural light provided by the majority of homes is perfect. It’s often just the right amount.

You need to make sure the tree gets plenty of indirect light. And also, some direct sunlight also benefits the growth of the tree.

The most suitable place to position your fiddle leaf fig tree is at an east-facing window in your apartment. This allows it to avoid the strong afternoon sun from the south and west.

3. Eat it Right

Even though many members of the ficus family flourish in high levels of fertilizer, that’s not the case with the fiddle leaf fig plant.

You only need to fertilize the fiddle leaf a few times per year. Most importantly, in spring and summer months. You can also kill the fiddle leaf by overfeeding it.

4. Far Too Cold

What’s the temperature in the jungle of West Africa? Yes, it’s pretty warm. That’s the conditions you want to replicate in your apartment.

While your bank balance won’t thank you for the increase in energy bills, your fiddle leaf fig tree definitely will. However, even room temperature is usually warm enough for the tree. But make sure it’s out of the way of cold drafts during the colder months.

The Ficus Lyrata History

Now you know everything there is to know about the Ficus lyrata. You need to catch up with everyone else by buying your own fiddle leaf friend.

Are you interested in buying a fiddle leaf fig tree for your home? Check out our online store for more houseplants that would look great in your home. Or in get in touch with us today to find out more.

Indoor Plants From the Internet: A Great Choice!

After searching in-person stores for the perfect plants for her home, Elizabeth Bugbee turned to the internet to help her in her quest for the right indoor plants. She found our website, and was glad she did! Elizabeth had this to say about her experience with PLANTZ:

“After months of searching local nurseries for a perfect, tall houseplant and not finding anything that looked halfway decent, I took a shot in the dark and took to the internet to search. I knew NOTHING about and honestly was a little skeptical at first. Plants through the mail? How could that even be possible! But the resources and information available were so thorough that my gut told me they were legit and knew their product. I ended up purchasing two plants! When they arrived I was shocked at how well packaged they were. The boxes had been banged up a bit but the plants were completely unharmed. Unpacking them was a breeze (I even did it alone with no problem) and the instructions provided to start things off were excellent. Overall, this was a great experience and I’d definitely buy from them again. “

Check out these wonderful photos of Elizabeth’s new Lisa Cane and Monstera in her home! Thank you so much for your nice words and for taking a chance on plants from the internet, Elizabeth!

If you would like to have your very own indoor plants shipped directly to your door, visit our online shop here!


Special Deliveries

This is definitely a PLANTZ first!

Ana R. recently ordered a new Ficus Lyrata for her home, but it was not the only delivery she was waiting on! Her new plant and baby girl Zoe arrived on the very same day!

Ana had this to say about her new plant and experience with PLANTZ:

“Thank you for the beautiful ficus! Please continue the excellent work – providing beautiful products and wonderful customer service!”

Check out this absolutely precious photo of the two special deliveries together! We are so glad to hear that you love your new plant, Ana! Thank you for sharing your kind words and congrats on your beautiful baby girl!

The Importance of Indoor Plants for Apartment Dwellers

As the population increases and more people flock to cities, humans are getting further and further from nature – and it isn’t good for our health. While the children of yesteryears grew up playing in the dirt and soil in the backyard, which lead to a healthy level of diverse bacteria exposure, today’s kids are roaming in a much more sterile concrete jungle. Living in a city or high-rise apartment away from trees, plants, and soil can lead to some disadvantages, but indoor plants can help combat these issues.

Exposure to nature helps diversify the bacteria in our bodies, which help to fight off infection and inflammation. The bacteria that humans have are actually similar to those in plants, as we both carry trillions of goodand bad bacteria. Plants also help make humans healthier by removing toxic chemicals from the air and improving air quality be removing carbon dioxide. Simply viewing plants can even help reduce stress levels. In Japan, the practice of shinrin-yoku, or nature therapy, is actually used to boost mental health and lower blood pressure; it is done by simply taking a walk in a forest or natural area.

Adding plants to your urban household can help diversify good bacteria while cleansing the air of harmful toxins. Here are a few of our favorite plants for apartment dwellers:

  • Areca Palm – The Areca Palm is a great choice for apartments with a lot of natural light. According to NASA’s indoor plant and air quality study, they are actually considered the best air purifying plant. Areca Palms are great at removing formaldehyde and are as effective as an electric humidifier. At, you can order your very own Areca Palm in two sizes: 5-feet tall in a 10-inch grow pot or 6-feet and over in a 14-inch grow pot.
  • Kentia Palm – The elegant cousin of the Areca Palm, the Kentia Palm does not require as much light while still effectively purifying indoor air. These palms can go nearly a month without watering when using sub-irrigation, making them a better choice for a forgetful plant parent. The Kentia Palm is highly effective in removing volatile organic compounds from air. Our Hawaiian-grown palms are available in two sizes: 5- to 6-feet and 6- to 7-feet tall.
  • Bamboo Palm – Also known as the “Cham Palm,” the Bamboo Palm will tolerate a bit of shade in your apartment, but prefers moderate to high amounts of light to thrive. These versatile palms have a wonderful reputation for filtering out indoor air pollutants, especially benzene and trichloroethylene. Perfect for smaller apartments, the Bamboo Palm is available from PLANTZ in two sizes: 3-feet and 5-feet.

Do you live in an apartment? Would you like to live a healthier life? Order your very own air purifying indoor plants from today!