Lisa Canes and a Giganta to New York

Lisa Canes and a Giganta to New York

Ms. Kelly P. just received her two new Lisa Cane plants and a Giganta at her home in upstate New York – and she’s so pleased with her purchase from our online store!

Kelly, a total plant lover, had a few lovely words to say about her experience with PLANTZ:

“Absolutely in LOVE with my two Lisa Canes and Giganta!  They arrived to upstate NY safely and securely.  All three plants are absolutely beautiful and give life to my home.  Can’t wait to buy more!”

Thank you, Kelly! We look forward to your next purchase as well.

If you would like to purchase your own Lisa Cane or Giganta, be sure to check out our online shop!

PLANTZ Kelly Review | Lisa Cane and Giganta